Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

PRE-BUDGET 2018 CONSULTATIONS: Central Trade Unions Put Across their Demands to the FM

THE finance minister held Pre-budget 2018 discussion with the representatives of central trade unions on December 5, 2017. Representatives of all the central trade unions attended the meeting. CITU was represented by its president, Hemalata.The meeting, as every year, appeared to be not more than a ritual. The ‘consultative meeting’ with the 12 trade unions that were called, lasted for around one hour. The trade union representatives were requested to give their opinions in 3-4 minutes.

Condemn US Step on Jerusalem

CPI(M)  Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on December 7, 2017THE Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) strongly condemns the decision of US President Donald Trump, to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to shift the US Embassy there from Tel Aviv.This action goes against the United Nations’ and the international community’s stand that East Jerusalem is an occupied territory by Israel since 1967.  An independent Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as its capital is the internationally accepted position.  The United States has taken the formal step of legalising the illegal

Syrian War Reaching Conclusion

THE six-year devastating Syrian war is reaching a conclusive stage. The eighth-round of UN-mediated talks between the government of Syria and the opposition that began in Geneva on November 28, signify a decisive phase in the nearly six years of Syrian War. These talks are to continue till December 15 and widely expected to bring the curtains down on the war that had led to the killing of over 3,30,000 citizens and the displacement of millions of people.

War against People: Targeting People’s Hard Earned Savings

THE rhetoric of ‘crusade against corruption’ now stands exposed.  Prime Minister Modi’s lieutenant Amit Shah admitted it as much.  The Rs 15 lakh bonanza from the black money stashed in foreign bank accounts will never reach.  Shah accepted that this was unadulterated jumla. From demonetisation to digitalisation and the GST; these dramatic initiatives were pitched as grand narrative against corruption.  But this cleansing operation is empty hoax. All the extinguished currency has safely returned to the financial system.  Counterfeits are microscopically small.

Me Too and We Too

THE National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) has come out with its ritual annual report. And the statistics are grim. Like the prices of vegetables, crimes in our country too have a tendency only to rise up, up and above. If only these statistics become weapons, can we see a change.Let’s recount our achievements as detailed by the NCRB. Data shows that cases under Crime against Women have reported an increase of 2.9 per cent in 2016 over 2015. Delhi once again, being the national capital city, does not disappoint. It ranks first in terms of the crime rate against women.

NALANDA UNIVERSITY, BIHAR: Retrenched Guards Fight for their Reinstatement

THE ancient International Nalanda University in its new incarnation has started functioning from 2014 in a new campus in picturesque town of Rajgir, which happens to be a tourist spot and seat of Buddhism and Jainisim in Bihar.The peasants of the surrounding areas have been forced to part with their multi-crop land for the construction of Nalanda University and the Bihar government had promised to provide jobs to their wards and announced that the all round development of the 14 villages adjacent to the  university campus, will be ensured.Subsequent developments have belied the hope of the

Give the Declared Compensation to Junaid’s Family

IN a letter written by CPI(M) Polit Bureau member Brinda Karat to Haryana chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar on December 5, 2017, she brought the issue of non-payment of compensation announced by him to the next of kin of Junaid, to his notice.Junaid, son of Jalaladuddin, resident of Khatauli village, Faridabad, Haryana, was brutally stabbed to death by a communally motivated group, on June 22, 2017.On June 29, the papers carried the statement of the chief minister of Haryana, condemning the murder. He also declared a compensation of  Rs Ten lakhs.

December 6 Protest Rallies

WEST BENGAL: Massive Rally Denounces Communal ForcesTHOUSANDS of people marched through Kolkata on the 25th anniversary of Babri demolition, resolving to fight the communal forces. The march, called by the Left Front, other Left parties and allies started from Lenin statue in Dharmatala and ended in Rajabajar. The entire path witnessed a huge stream of people, splashing red flags, and innovative slogans from the students and youth in particular.

Defeat Anti-farmer BJP in Gujarat Elections

THE Bhoomi Adhikar Andolan (BAA), in a statement issued on December 5, has urged the people of Gujarat and especially the peasantry including adivasis, dalits, minorities, fish workers and forest dwellers to ensure the defeat of the BJP in the 2017 assembly elections for betraying the peasantry and intensifying the anti-farmer neo-liberal policies in Gujarat as well as all over the country. The plight of the peasantry has become even more miserable under the three and half years rule of the NDA government led by the BJP.

Communist Party of China Organises International Meeting of Political Parties

BETWEEN November 30 and December 3, 2017, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) organised an international meeting under the title “CPC in Dialogue with World Political Parties High-Level Meeting”. Nearly 600 delegates from over 200 political parties across the spectrum from – ruling  parties to opposition Communist parties – representing more than 120 countries participated in this event. The programme began with plenary sessions at the beginning and end.


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