Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Condemn the Brazen Aggression against Syria

THE 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) unequivocally condemns the unilateral and unjustified imperialist aggression of Syria by the United States and some of its NATO allies.Over a hundred missiles, targeting three facilities in Damascus and Homs, were launched from ships and planes. Last year, President Trump accused the government forces of using poison gas and ordered missile strikes on a Syrian airbase.The missile strike on Syria by the armed forces of the United States, France, and the United Kingdom is a crude instance of imperialist aggression.

SFI Opposes Fee Hike in BITS Institutes

THE central executive committee of the Students’ Federation of India, in a statement issued on May 16, has strongly opposed the exorbitant increase in fees imposed on the students of Birla Institute of Technology & Science (BITS). The annual tuition fee in the Pilani campus of the institute has been increased this year to Rs 1,59,500. It needs to be underlined here that in the last decade the institute has seen consistent average fee increase of 17 per cent every year.However, BITS is certainly not an isolated phenomenon.

KERALA: RSS Goons Kill CPI(M) Leader

IN yet another act of brutality and terror of the RSS, one more CPI(M) worker was killed on May 7, in Mahe, a part of Puducherry state near northern  border of Kannur district.  Comrade Kannippoyil Babu, former councilor of Mahe municipality and CPI(M) Mahe local committee member was gruesomely murdered by the RSS goons.Comrade Babu had escaped a murder attempt last year.

On Dilution of the Scheduled Castes and Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act And Organised Violence against Dalits

ON March 20, 2018, the Supreme Court passed an order that significantly diluted the provisions of the Scheduled Castes and Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act. The court issued guidelines to guarantee protection for public servants and private individuals from “arbitrary and immediate arrest” under the Scheduled Castes and Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act.The judgment will have adverse consequences, particularly in the context of the growing number of atrocities that affect the country’s most oppressed sections.

Karnataka Polls: Stop this `Horse Trading’ by BJP

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on May 16THE Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) strongly opposes the time being given to the BJP to indulge in naked `horse trading’ and the use of money power to muster a majority in the Karnataka assembly when the officially declared results have shown that the BJP does not have a majority in the recently-concluded elections.The governors appointed during the current BJP government’s tenure have, in the past, followed the principle of swearing in a government on the basis of post-election arrangement between parties

Condemn Massacre of Palestinians

CPI(M)  Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on May 15.THE Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) expresses its outrage and strong condemnation at the death of 58 Palestinians killed by the Israeli armed forces at the Gaza-Israel border fence. The Palestinians have been holding marches to the border to demand the return of the people to the lands from which they were evicted by Israel.The opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem, in complete violation of international law, on that day has emboldened the Israeli forces to resort to this brazen attack.This brutal massac

On Palestine

THE 22nd Congress of the CPI(M) condemns Israel’s continuing occupation of Palestinian territories, its use of sniper squads to shoot peaceful protesters at the Gaza border, and attempts to change the demography of Jerusalem.During the series of 45-day protests, which will culminate in the Nakba day on May 15, the Palestinians in Gaza, who are under a brutal siege, decided to peacefully protest at the border. Israel deployed sniper squads that fired live ammunition, killing dozens of Palestinians, and injuring more than 2,000.

In Support of the Nationwide Action by Jan Ekta Jan Adhikar Andolan on May 23, 2018

THE 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) welcomes the coming together of various mass organisations, Left, democratic, secular organisations, other progressive groups, and individuals under the banner of the Jan Ekta Jan Adhikar Andolan (JEJAA) to fight against communal authoritarian rule and the neoliberal policies of the RSS-led BJP government.The national convention of more than 100 such organisations held in New Delhi on September 18, 2017 has resolved to form JEJAA at the all-India level and to build a network in all states, districts, blocks and villages an

On the Increasing Attacks on Higher Education in India

THE 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) notes with grave concern the growing threats posed to higher education by the promotion of commercial interests, by the pursuit of an explicit communal agenda, and by means of the centralisation of decision-making powers in higher education.  In the last four years of BJP-rule, democratic bodies in institutes of higher education have been systematically undermined through the use of notifications by the MHRD and the UGC, bypassing consultations with the academic community.

MAHARASHTRA: Jati Anta Sangharsh Samiti Holds Nagpur Dist Convention

HIGHLIGHTING the significance of inter-caste marriages in building a casteless society, the first Nagpur district convention of Jati Anta Sangharsh Samiti, held on May 12, felicitated fourteen inter-caste couples and presented them with Certificates of Honour drafted by a well-known writer of Maharashtra, at Vidarbha Hindi Sahitya Sangha in Nagpur district.Organised under the direction of Dalit Shoshan Mukti Manch (DSMM), the convention has received an overwhelming response from all the progressive sections of the district for stressing on the need to annihilate the caste system that has so


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