Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Marxism is a Key to end Exploitation

MARXISM is a key to end all sorts of exploitation that exists in society and that can only be achieved through revolutionary movements of working class by applying Marxist doctrine of concrete analysis of concrete conditions, said Sitaram Yechury, general secretary CPI(M) while addressing a gathering in New Delhi on the occasion of celebration of 200th birth anniversary of Karl Marx.The programme was organised by CPI(M), Delhi state committee.


THE vote-on-account presented by the Telangana chief minister on February 15 does not lay down any definite path for the development of the state, the CPI(M) has said. The chief minister should have formed the cabinet and introduced a full budget in February itself. But in view of the parliamentary election and taking into consideration the interim budget placed by the central government, the chief minister, also holding the finance portfolio, presented the vote-on-account.

Delhi Rally Of Anganwadi Workers And Helpers

Forty Lakh Signatures Collected against Scanty Budget for ICDSHUNDREDS of Anganwadi Workers and Helpers from all over the country under the leadership of All India Federation of Anganwadi Workers and Helpers (AIFAWH), marched to the parliament on February 25 protesting against the inadequate budget allocation for implementation of increased remuneration, and against the introduction of direct cash transfer in the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS).The AIFAWH collected more than forty lakh signatures from anganwadi employees and beneficiaries on a memorandum seeking strengthening o

NPRD Condemns Brutal Lathi-charge on Disabled Protesters in Pune

 THE National Platform for the Rights of the Disabled (NPRD) has condemned the brutal lathi charge on disabled protesters in Pune, Maharashtra, on February 25. The protesters mainly belonging to the deaf community were demanding the implementation of the provisions of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act with regard to education and employment. They sought to highlight the fact that an overwhelming majority of educational institutions continue to be inaccessible.

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on February 25

Don’t Touch Article 35A THE people of Kashmir valley and all shades of political opinion there are highly perturbed by reports of the efforts to do away with Article 35A of the constitution. This has come in the context of the petitions being heard in the Supreme Court challenging the constitutional provision and the fact that the central government has not made its position clear on the matter. Article 35A confers the power to the Jammu & Kashmir state legislature to define who are permanent residents and their rights.

CPI(M) Leader Writes to PM on Eviction of Adivasis

THE Supreme Court issued written orders that were made public on February 20, to evict all adivasis and traditional forest dwellers from forest land whose claims have not been accepted. These orders came on the petition Wild Life First vs Ministry of Forest and Environment, (Writ petition(s) Civil No(s) 109/2008, order dated 13-2-2019) which challenged the Forest Rights Act itself. At present according to the latest figures available (December 2018) of the 42.19 lakh claims made only 18.89 lakh claims have been accepted.

Attacks on Kashmiri People; Government Remained in Slumber

PULWAMA fedayeen attack killed more than 40 personnel of the CRPF on February 14. There was widespread condemnation in the country at the ghastly killing. However, the ‘sangh’ and its outfits were more concerned at targeting the Kashmiri people, who either are students or work in different parts of the country, by attacking them, abusing them. There were series of attacks and intimidation of Kashmiri people in the country, more than 44 incidents were reported. Students hailing from Kashmir were commented upon in different parts.

India-Pakistan: De-escalate the Situation

THE aerial strike on a Jaish-e-Mohammed run camp in Balakot in Pakistan was conducted to send an effective message that India will not tolerate terrorist attacks such as in Pulwama, sponsored from across the border.  The extent of the success of the operation, in terms of destroying the militant base, is yet to be established.  The reputed international defence monitoring media agency, Jane’s Information Group, has termed the claims about the operation’s success as “speculative”.

Life and Work of Karl Marx – XXXIII

Home And Family AT the end of the 1860s and the beginning of the 70s, there were changes in the life of the Marx family. The girls had grown up, and since everything in the household turned around the battle for the emancipation of the proletariat, they, too, took part personally in the workers’ movement. ELDESTDAUGHTER It pleased Marx that his eldest daughter, Jenny, now followed Laura’s example by marrying  an active comrade-in-arms.


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