Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Marxism is a science to change the world

BRINDA Karat, Polit Bureau member of CPI (M) was the keynote speaker on the occasion of celebration of 200th birth anniversary of Karl Marx organized by Ghaziabad district committee of CPI(M) on January 12. In India, the Left parties, especially the CPI(M) is organizing meetings, seminars, cultural events, in different parts of the country with great participation of workers, students, youth, women, peasantry and people from all walks of life.

Modi ji Where are the Smart Cities Lost

MODI in his euphoric ‘Mann Ki Baat’ (speech from the heart) broadcast on December 30, on the all India radio focused about the ‘positivity’ that should be made viral in the coming days. But where will this positivity emanate from. It can and should from the worksheet spread across his 55 months of rule in the country. But the positive vibes do not emerge from this period rather it has been a very sorry state of affairs.

Comrade Mohar Singh

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) expresses its deep grief at the passing away of Comrade Mohar Singh, former member of the Central Committee and former secretary of Himachal Pradesh state committee of the Party.  He died on January 11 at the age of 68. Mohar Singh began his political life as a student activist in Himachal Pradesh and built the student movement in Himachal Pradesh. He became the acting secretary of the state committee from 1985 to 1991.  From 1991 to 2004, he was elected as the secretary of the state committee.

LDM Protest against the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill in Guwahati

THE Left Democratic Manch, Assam (LDM) organized a massive protest against the central government move to pass the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2016 on January 7, 2018 in Guwahati. It may be noted that the people of Assam are agitating against the proposed bill, which seeks to give citizenship to the non-Muslim illegal-infiltrators rendering the Assam Accord(AA) meaningless. The AA sets the deadline at March 24, 1971 as the base year for detecting illegal infiltrators in the state. Several hundreds of people spontaneously joined the protest programme organized by the LDM Assam.

Red Salute

January 15, 2019 marked the 100th anniversary of the murder of Rosa Luxemburg, the revolutionary communist leader.Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht were the leaders of the Spartacus league and went on to found the Communist Party of Germany (KPD).Both Rosa and Liebknecht were arrested and brutally killed by the so called “Freikorps”, demobilized soldiers acting under the instruction of the social-democratic regime.Rosa Luxemburg was an outstanding Marxist theoretician and steadfast revolutionary.

Disfiguring CBI-Brazen Authoritarian Assault

THE recent attack on the CBI, once again, reconfirms our understanding of the character of the Modi government. This government is hell-bent to undermine all constitutional institutions in the country. Their autonomy is a hindrance to the attainability of a full fledged ‘hindu rashtra’, (the pernicious fascistic ideological project of the RSS) despite the BJP being in government with a majority of its own. This requires the transformation of the existing secular democratic republic into the RSS vision.

Ten Per Cent Reservation:Who Will Benefit?

THE Modi government has got a Constitutional amendment adopted in Parliament providing for 10 percent reservation for economically weaker sections in the general category, i.e., those who are not in the Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs), or, Other Backward Classes (OBCs).ELECTION PLOYThe Constitutional Amendment Bill was passed in great haste – in a span of three days beginning from the union cabinet decision to its adoption by both the houses of parliament.  This has, no doubt, been done with an eye to the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections which is just a few we

Scrap Sedition Law to Stop Misuse

THE Delhi police has submitted a chargesheet in court against Kanhaiya Kumar, former president of the JNU Students Union and nine others on charges of sedition.  This has come nearly three years after the police arrested Kanhaiya Kumar and others in a cooked up case regarding alleged anti-national slogans raised during a demonstration on the campus.It is the vindictive attitude of the BJP government that led the police to invoke the charge of sedition (Section 124 A of the Indian Penal Code) – a law made by the British colonial rulers to use it as a weapon against the leaders of the freedom

Explosive Unemployment: the Biggest threat to Modi’s Re-election Bid

IN the wake of major electoral reverses for the BJP in the recently held assembly elections to the five states, it has been widely recognized that the agrarian crisis and its most inhuman expression-the burgeoning farmers’ suicides have taken a heavy toll in the electoral battle field. However, commentators are loudly declaring nemesis for the ruling dispensation on another count.

Work in the First International-26

WHEN the first volume of Capital appeared, the Second Congress of the International Workingmen’s Association had just finished its work in Lausanne. PROLETARIANINTERNATIONALISM While drafting the documents of the International, Marx believed that the forces that unite the working class—the forces of proletarian internationalism—would prevail in the labour movement.


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