Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Communist Party of India (Marxist) Election Manifesto 17th Lok Sabha 2019

Part I THE five years rule of the BJP government headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been an unmitigated disaster for the country and the people.These elections are the most crucial in the history of independent India.  What is at stake is the very future of the secular democratic republic, as enshrined in our Constitution.  The future is at stake, because, the BJP-led NDA government, under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, promotes the unprecedented sharpening of communal polarisation severely disrupting the harmony of our rich, diverse social fabric.

Left Underlines Burning Issues with Election Commission

ON March 26, a delegation of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) and Communist Party of India led by CPI(M) Polit Bureau member Nilotpal Basu and CPI National Secretary D Raja met the full Election Commission on March 25 and raised the following:MODI BIOPICThe delegation had a detailed discussion with the EC on the release of the biopic on ‘Shri Narendra Modi’.  The delegation pointed out that there are well-established precedents on withholding the release of such propaganda materials during the pendency of the elections.

79th Session of Indian History Congress at Bhopal

THE Indian History Congress, the major forum of Indian historians since 1935, was due to meet for its 79th session at the invitation of Savitribai Phule University, Pune, on December 28-30, 2018. About 1,500 members had paid delegate fee of Rs 2000 each by December 1, the last day set for it. But on December 10, barely a fortnight before the session was to be held; the host university announced that they would not be able to hold the session.

Left Parties Hold Election Rallies in AP

‘COMMUNISTS are peoples’ voice, they echo the public issues in the assembly and parliament, hence elect them’, appealed Sitaram Yechury, general secretary, CPI(M) in a public meeting on  March 25, at Vijayawada. Huge rally and public meeting was held in connection with the filing of nomination papers by Ch Baburao, CPI(M) candidate from Vijayawada (central) assembly constituency. Sitaram Yechury lamented the failures of Modi government and explained how the present rule has enhanced the misery of the people.

Agrarian Crisis: Promises Betrayed-Part 1

ELECTION Manifesto of BJP(2014) had declared that “BJP commits highest priority to agricultural growth, increase in farmer's income and rural development”. The five years of BJP rule proves to be a period of betrayal of promises.DOUBLING AGRARIAN DISTRESS INSTEAD OF INCOMESAgricultural growth has been fairly volatile over the last five years falling by 0.2 per cent for 2013-14 to 2014-15, inching up by 0.6 per cent for 2014-15 to 2015-16 and hovering around 2.7 per cent according to provisional figures for 2017-18 to 2018-19.

Shameful Verdict on Hindutva Terror

THE acquittal of Aseemanand (real name Naba Kumar Sarkar) and three others in the Samjhauta train blast case is a shameful reminder that the criminal justice system in India is incapable of bringing terrorists of the extremist Hindutva variety to justice for their crimes.Between 2006 and 2008, there were six terrorist incidents perpetrated by a network of extreme Hindutva groups.  Aseemanand, Pragya Thakur and Lt.

International Conference on Food Sovereignty and Peasants Rights

A THREE day international conference on ‘Food Sovereignty and Peasants Rights’ was organized at Kathmandu, Nepal by ‘National Farmers Commission’ Government of Nepal, on March 10-12,  2019. 350 delegates attended the conference representing kisan and agricultural workers organizations, experts, government officials, ministers and peoples representatives of Nepal.

Second List of Seats to be Contested by the CPI(M) in the 2019 Lok Sabha Elections

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