Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Valiant Struggle of Electricity Employees and Engineers in J&K

ELECTRICITY employees and engineers of Jammu and Kashmir achieved a major victory after a valiant struggle through an indefinite strike call from December 17-18 midnight against the move to privatise the power sector that has been initiated through the formation of a joint venture company with J&K Power Transmission Corporation Limited (PTCL) and Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL).The national chapter of the National Coordination Committee of Electricity Employees and Engineers (NCCOEEE) conveyed its warm greetings and salute to all electricity employees and engineers of Ja

Privatisation and the Constitution

IN a recent report the People’s Commission on the Public Sector and Public Services has rightly drawn attention to the sheer un-constitutionality of the Modi government’s plan to privatise en masse the assets of the public sector. The constitution of the country is not just a set of procedures and rules for the governance of the polity. It expresses above all a certain social philosophy which is supposed to inform the behaviour of the various organs of the State and which constitutes the foundational beliefs around which the nation has come into being.

Successful Two-Day Bank Strike

AROUND 10 lakh employees and officers observed two-day countrywide bank strike on December 16-17, 2021 at the call of the United Forum of Bank Unions (UFBU), an umbrella of the unions/associations of the banking industry. The strike was observed to oppose listing of Banking Laws (Amendment) Bill 2021 in the business schedule for ongoing winter session of the parliament to facilitate privatisation of public sector banks as announced by the union finance minister during presentation of budget for 2021-22.

Unjust J&K Delimitation Of Assembly Seats

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on December 21THE recommendations of the Jammu & Kashmir Delimitation Commission are patently unjustified and illogical.As per 2011 Census, Kashmir’s population is 68.8 lakhs, while Jammu’s is 53.5 lakhs.  As per the proposal, Kashmir gets 47 assembly seats and Jammu 43.  A fair delimitation should have given 51 seats out of 90 to Kashmir.Further, the constitution of the Delimitation Commission under the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act 2019 in itself is questionable, as the Reorganisation Act has been

Class Divide and the Pandemic

THE pandemic and its consequences manifested in different parts of the world and more importantly its differential impact on classes of people and segments of population reveals deeper chasms and structural divides that capitalism reproduces in its process of accumulation.In the twentieth century since ‘Spanish Flu’ in 1918 we faced two more pandemics namely, the Asian Flu in 1957 and Hong Kong Flu in 1968.

Chile: A Defeat for the Far-Right

ON December 19, Chileans voted for a new chapter in their long history. Gabriel Boric, a 35-year old former student leader, was elected as the new president. He secured 56 per cent votes and decisively defeated the far-right candidate Jose Antonio Kast, who got 44 per cent votes in the run-off elections. Boric’s victory was significant because it came on the top of nearly a decade long consistent protests against neoliberal policies by various sections.

Covid-19: Runaway Omicron Wave Overtakes Delta

OMICRON, a new SARS-CoV-2 variant of concern, has rapidly overtaken all other variants in the new waves of Covid-19 cases that are emerging in South Africa, the UK, the European Union and the US. More worrying is that Omicron is able to infect those who have received two vaccine doses or already had Covid earlier. This is supported by laboratory evidence though they are still very preliminary results. The good news, if it can be called good news, is that most of those who have been vaccinated do not seem to progress to a critical stage.

KARNATAKA: Farmers Assembly Demands Repeal of Three State Farm Laws

ON December 12, 2021, a large farmers' assembly was held at Belagavi in Karnataka under the banner of the Samyukta Horata (united struggle), Karnataka, to celebrate the repeal of the three central farm laws and to put pressure on the BJP's Karnataka state government to repeal the three different anti-farmer farm laws that it forced through the state assembly last year. The Karnataka state assembly was meeting in Belagavi from December 13.


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