Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Food and Decolonisation

RUSSIA and Ukraine together account for 30 per cent of the world’s wheat exports. Many African countries, in particular, are heavily dependent on them for their food supplies, which are now getting disrupted because of the war; and this disruption would continue since the war is also affecting the acreage being sown under foodgrains there. Ukraine alone accounts for about 20 per cent of the world’s maize exports which again are under threat, endangering food availability in several vulnerable countries.

Media under Severe Attack

THE World Press Freedom Day, as proclaimed by the United Nations, was observed on May 3. Coinciding with this, the World Press Freedom Index was published by the Reporters without Borders (Reporters Sans Frontieres). India’s ranking in the index fell from 142 in 2021 to 150 this year, out of 180 countries. In 2016, India had been ranked 133.

On Increased Atrocities and Injustice Against Dalits

THIS 23rd Congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) expresses its deep concern over the growing atrocities and injustices against dalits in many parts of the country.  These have increased and assumed new dimensions after the BJP came to power at the centre. Unfortunately in the recent period the judiciary is also sometimes giving judgments and making pronouncements that are inimical to the principles of social justice and affirmative action.Under the BJP government, the pace of the implementation of neoliberal policies gathered pace and budgetary allocations for SC welfare are cut

Towards the 11th All India Conference of DYFI

THE 11th all India conference of the Democratic Youth Federation of India (DYFI) will be held in Salt Lake, West Bengal, from May 12-15, 2022, with the slogan ‘Youth Struggle for Secular India and Right to Employment’. The conference will be hosted at Diego Maradona Nagar, Eastern Zonal Cultural Centre, Salt Lake. Approximately 650 youth from all parts of India will participate in the conference among which at least 20 per cent will be young women. The conference will be preceded by a massive youth rally on May 12, 2022.


On this May Day, the International Day of Working Class Solidarity,CITUWarmly greets the workers and all toiling people in the world, who have been fighting to protect and to regain their hard won rights and benefits under severe attacks by the big capitalists and their agents in governanceWelcomes the increasing urge for unionisation among the working class worldwide, particularly the young workers and the surge in global working class struggles including in the USA, the bastion of capitalismOn this May DayCITU notes the commendabl

Reflections on the Sri Lankan Economic Crisis

SO much has been written on the Sri Lankan economic crisis that the facts are by now quite well-known (see for instance C P Chandrasekhar, Frontline April 22): the massive build-up of external debt; the huge Value Added Tax concessions that pushed up the fiscal deficit and made the government borrow abroad even to spend domestically; the decline in foreign exchange earnings because of the pandemic that particularly hit tourist inflows; the downward pressure on the exchange rate which made many Sri Lankan workers choose the unofficial route to send their earnings home rather than th


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