Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

AIAWU Opposes Anti-People Policies of Centre, Curtailing of MGNREGA

THE Central Working Committee of the All India Agricultural Workers Union (AIAWU) met at the SM Joshi Foundation in Pune, Maharashtra from November 11 to 12. The Union represents the largest number of organised agricultural labour in the country and expressed its concern over the NDA government’s anti-people policies in cutting down all types of security of the mass of people in employment, food and social services for the rural poor.

DUJ Welcomes Historic Delhi High Court Judgement

The following is the press statement issued by the Delhi Union of Journalists on November 19, 2014
THE Delhi Union of Journalists welcomes the judgement of the Delhi High Court reinstating the 272 workers of the Hindustan Times.
The DUJ congratulates the 272 brave workers of the Hindustan Times Ltd for their historic victory against the management. Justice Suresh Kait has termed their retrenchment arbitrary, upheld the earlier judgement of the Industrial Tribunal and granted them reinstatement in service with back wages for the past nine years.

Coercive Population Control Claims Thirteen Lives in Chhattisgarh

THE shocking incident in Chhattisgarh, where thirteen women died and many more fell severely ill after undergoing an operation for female sterilisation (tubectomy), shows a mirror to all that is wrong with the public health system in India. The episode is also a clear indictment of the entire population control agenda of the Indian government, which has, for decades, been characterised by targeting and coercion of poor women and gross rights violations.


No Increased Tax on Petrol and Diesel

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on November 14.

THE Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) expresses its strong opposition to the Modi government’s decision to increase excise duty on petrol and diesel. There has been a steep hike of Rs 1.50 per litre.

Petrol and diesel are already heavily taxed and this constitutes a major part of the retail price. Therefore, there is no justification for this tax hike.

Aggressively Furthering Neo-Liberal Reforms

BY now it is clear, despite all the high pitched rhetoric, that PM Modi is more aggressively pursuing the very same neo-liberal economic reform trajectory that this government has inherited from the earlier UPA government. This is happening like it did initially with Dr Manmohan Singh invoking illusions of an `era of prosperity’ which will convert India into a land of `milk and honey’.

21st Party Congress Logo Unveiled

THE logo for the 21st Congress of the CPI(M) was released on November 19 at M B Bhavan in Hyderabad by CPI(M) Polit Bureau member B V Raghavulu. The Party Congress is scheduled to take place from April 14 - 19, 2015 in the port city of Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. Reflecting the city's identity of being a major port on the east coast and being home to a large working class population, the logo depicts a huge ship draped in red colour, on top of which the working people are standing with raised arms and flags.


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