Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

MAHARASHTRA: Left is the Only Real Alternative to Communal Forces in India

“LEFT is the only real alternative to communal and fascistic BJP in India”, stressed Kodiyeri Balakrishnan while addressing a hall meeting jam-packed with Party members and sympathisers hailing from Kerala and residing in Mumbai, on June 25, 2017, at AdarshaVidhyalaya in Mumbai.Kodiyeri Balakrishnan, Polit Bureau member and Kerala state secretary of CPI(M) was present on the invitation of Mumbai district committee of CPI(M) to address this public meeting.           Mumbai district committee of CPI(M) also arranged an exhibition with photographs and captions regarding the murderous campaign

CITU Working Committee Meeting, Shimla: Resolution on GST

THE working committee meeting of CITU, held from July 14-16, at Shimla notes with serious concern the grievous impact of the GST launched by the government of India with much fanfare on July 1, 2017. The GST has adversely impacted the common people at large, particularly the workers in the unorganised sector, people engaged in small and decentralised manufacturing like tailoring, garments, textile, beedi, small drug manufacturing, construction, matches and fireworks and passenger and goods transport etc and also small traders. Even the insurance premium is not spared from high taxation.

Roads of Battle Greet G-20 Summit

THE recent protests that welcomed the G20 Summit are a reflection of the brewing discontent against the continuing global economic crisis. With their future at stake, young people constituting the majority of the protesters led the way in expressing dissent. They stood up bravely to police brutality. Creativity was on wide display during all the days of protest before and during the Summit.Preparations for the protest started months in advance.

AIDWA Calls for Movement on Mass Issues Concerning Women

THE AIDWA central executive committee (CEC) meeting held on June 30-July 1-2, 2017 in Bengaluru took several important decisions to take forward the movement on mass issues concerning women. 75 out of 99 CEC members and 8 out of 12 special invitees from all states attended this meeting. The central secretariat meeting was held prior to the CEC.The AIDWA Karnataka state committee had made excellent arrangements.

West Bengal: Another Round of Study Circle

A TWO day study circle on Party Constitution and Organisation will be organiSed in West Bengal on August 5-6. All CPI(M) branches will hold this study circle on those two days throughout the state. This will be a follow up to the first of this kind held on March 19, on Party Programme. The unique experiment in March created an enthusiasm among the Party cadres and there was a demand for more such initiatives at Party education.In West Bengal, the birth anniversary of Muzaffar Ahmad is celebrated on August 5.

Thinking Together

Q: In the background of competitive communalism by the TMC and the BJP in West Bengal what is our approach to revive the Left? Can you explain?K Raju, TrichyA: The recent communal violence in Bashirhat in North 24 Parganas district is an example of the growing communal activities which are taking place in West Bengal. The BJP and RSS have been conducting communal activities through various organisations like the Hindu Jagran Manch, Hindu Sanhati Manch and so on. Communal clashes took place in Dhulagarh, Chandranagar and other places.

Fourteenth Congress of the SACP Held Successfully

THE 14th Congress of the South African Communist Party (SACP) held in Birchwood Conference Centre, Ekurhuleni, near Pretoria from July 10-15, 2017 was a resounding success.  The key slogan was: `Defend, Advance, Deepen the National Democratic Revolution and the Vanguard Role of the SACP’.  The key task focused by the party was to anchor its medium term strategic outlook around driving a second and more radical phase of the transition in the country with the demonopolisation of the economy of South Africa. One of the core points of the debate in the SACP Congress was the future of t

Taxing Disability:Finance Ministry’s Misleading Response

AFTER several protests and noises over the ill-advised move to impose GST on a range of aids and appliances used by the disabled, finally the government responded and issued a press statement on July 4. What we get as a clarification is a misrepresentation of facts and an attempt to mislead the gullible.Even while the figures are disputed, the 2011 census places the count of the disabled population in the country at 2.1 per cent of the population. The vast majority of them come from poor economic backgrounds which is one of leading causes for disability.


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