Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Malnutrition Still Remains Untackled as 157 Children Succumb to Encephalitis

IN 2017, it was Gorakhpur where 63 children died in 72 hours due to lack of oxygen supply in a government hospital and in 2019, it is Muzaffarpur where 157 children died in a month due to encephalitis. This is our ‘achievement’ for our children after 72 years of our independence. In a few days or months, the outcry on these deaths will die down and the headlines, interviews and stories will find new topics.

Two-Day National Consultation on Land and Forest Rights Movements

ON July 2, two-day national consultation of land and forest rights movements organised by Bhoomi Adhikar Andolan concluded at the Assam Association in Delhi. The conference witnessed the participation of more than 200 representatives of the community organisations from 12 states of the country.The movements working on the forest and land rights and for implementation of FRA declared that millions of adivasis and other traditional forest dwelling communities are facing the danger of eviction due to the Supreme Court rules on February 13, 2019.

TUI of Workers in Agriculture, Food, Commerce & Allied Industries Meets in Paris

THE discussions took place in the background of a war imposed on Syria using the weapons of the USA, France, Britain, Israel and Saudi Arabia. According to FAO figures more than two billion people live in countries experiencing conflict and violence today. It is the poorest and most vulnerable who are affected physically. Nearly 900 million are victims of hunger and malnutrition in these countries which are concentrated in four regions: West Asia, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Central America and Eastern Europe.

AP: Draft Law to Curb Crimes in the name of Honour & Tradition

A CONSULTATION meeting was held at Vijayawada on ‘Crimes in the name of Honour and Tradition (Prevention, Protection and Rehabilitation) Bill’ on June 29 by the KVPS AP state committee, an affiliate of the Dalit Shoshan Mukti Manch. Advocates of AP High court, leaders of KVPS and other dalit organisations attended the meeting that was presided over by Potturi Suresh Kumar. Sunkari Rajendra Prasad, member of AP Bar Council and one of the five member team that drafted the bill has explained in detail the salient features in it.

Charge sheet against Pehlu Khan’s kin

THE All India Kisan Sabha has strongly condemned the Congress-led Rajasthan government’s indictive step of framing charge sheet against sons of Pehlu Khan, a dairy farmer who was lynched near Alwar in April 2017 by so-called ‘gau rakshaks’ (cow vigilantes).The dairy farmer was killed by a lynch mob under the patronage of the RSS-BJP. The then Vasundhara Raje-led BJP government allowed the real culprits, named in the dying statement of Khan, go scot-free by manipulating the case.

Farmers Betrayed Yet Again Kharif Prices Far Below C2+50%

THE BJP led central government has announced the minimum support prices for the Kharif Marketing Season 2019-20. In a situation when farmers across the country are in acute distress due to severe drought, the prices announced only add salt to injury. It has announced a meagre 3.7 per cent hike in the prices of paddy despite the fact that costs of production over the year have drastically increased. This will only mean an increase of Rs 65/quintal.

No Privatisation of Indian Railways

THE Modi government’s second coming is going to be marked by a stepped up privatisation drive. Already the Niti Aayog has announced that 46 public sector enterprises will be sold off or shut down as per a 100 day action plan. The centerpiece of this privatisation drive will be the Indian Railways.  According to the action plan proposed by the ministry of railways, private passenger trains will be operated within 100 days.

Giant Aerospace Merger

MERGER fever seems to be spreading, this time in aerospace which has witnessed continuous merger and acquisitions (M&A) activity for over several decades as technologies have advanced, R&D and production costs have gone through the roof and even large firms have found it difficult to compete with the bigger players, especially if their main work is in broadly the same market segment. The latest is the all-stock merger decision announced by two US aerospace majors, United Technologies Ltd (UTL), manufacturer of the Pratt & Whitney aero-engines which power fighter aircraft and lar

The Debate over Inequality

THE debate over inequality has become hotter world-wide. While Trump had introduced substantial tax cuts for the rich in 2017, and Britain’s Boris Johnson, the front-runner to succeed Teresa May, has promised to do the same if he becomes prime minister, there are strong proposals for taxing the rich which have also been mooted. Bernie Sanders had such a proposal for the US during the time that he was seeking the presidential nomination of the Democratic Party.


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