Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

CITU Condoles Comrade A K Roy

The CITU is extremely grieved and shocked at the demise of Comrade A K Roy, the veteran leader of the working class movement and a stalwart of struggle of the downtrodden for justice. He was 81 years old and was suffering from age related diseases. Comrade A K Roy joined the trade union movement in his early youth sacrificing his career in those days as a qualified engineer. He was active in organising workers and also distressed people in newly emerging fertiliser industry in extremely backward region of the then Bihar, now in Jharkhand.

West Bengal: CPI(M) Will Forge Links with People

CPI(M) WEST BENGAL state committee has decided to redouble its efforts to forge links with the people to regain their confidence. Two-day state committee meeting on July 23-24 has also decided to initiate series of movements on peoples’ issues.CPI(M) general secretary, Sitaram Yechury, addressing the meeting said, Modi government in its second term has blatantly taken steps against  the constitution, constitutional institutions,  civil liberties, etc. Bills have been passed to undermine citizens’ fundamental rights. Sangh parivar has become more offensive.

AIKS Rally Flays Forest Dept Attacks on Adivasis

ON July 5, 2019, a large and angry rally of thousands of adivasi peasants led by the All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) marched to the Additional Collector's Office at Jawhar in Palghar district of Maharashtra.  Despite torrential rains, they laid siege to the office for four hours, with umbrellas in hand. The peasants had come to denounce the forest department officials who had demolished some houses and had dug holes in the forest lands that had been cultivated by adivasis for generations and for which claims under the Forest Rights Act (FRA) were pending.The background to this latest attack by

Fifty Years of First Moon Landing

IT was one of those seminal moments in human history, when those fortunate to have been around ask “where were you when humans first landed on the Moon.” This writer was lucky to have been where he watched that electrifying moment live on television, when US astronaut Neil Armstrong first stepped on to the lunar surface (followed by Edwin ‘Buzz’ Aldrin) on July 20, 1969, from the lander named “Eagle”, the Apollo 11 spacecraft having been launched from Kennedy Space Centre in Florida, USA, on July 16, 1969.

Fifty Years since Nationalisation: Banks Face Tough Privatisation Attack

BANK nationalisation is going to complete its fifty years glorious journey playing an unprecedented pivotal role in the all-round development of our country’s economy. Public Sector Banks (PSBs) of our country, as on March 31, 2019, hold a sum of Rs 84.86 lakh crores as deposits. 85 per cent of this amount is from small deposits by common people of our country, who keep their savings in bank accounts, mainly in PSBs to meet their future family requirements. They do not go to the stock market for earning some speculating gains.

Editorial Modi on a One-Way Street

THE image of President Trump speaking to the media in Washington in the presence of Pakistan Prime Minister, Imran Khan, about Modi’s purported request to him to mediate on Kashmir has had a shattering effect. The issue is not whether Modi actually asked Trump to mediate or not, but how this episode has revealed the fiasco that Modi’s foreign policy has turned out to be. Imran Khan’s visit to the United States was an affirmation of how the Trump administration has changed its approach to Pakistan.

WEST BENGAL: TMC-BJP Aggravating Communal Polarisation

CPI(M) West Bengal state secretary Surjyakanta Misra asserted that there can be no political battle against communal forces and the BJP with the help of TMC or the vice versa.In a statement, Misra said, TMC and BJP, through their divisive political line have accentuated the atmosphere of violence and provocation in different parts of the state. The state administration has miserably failed to protect peace, harmony and security of citizens.

The Week in Parliament

ON July 5, Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman presented the Union Budget 2019-20 in Lok Sabha and subsequently it was laid in Rajya Sabha. Speaking on the budget in Lok Sabha, P Natarajan said it is shocking that the government has chosen to give several tax concessions to the corporate sector while burdening the common people with additional excise duties on petrol and diesel to the tune of Rs 2 per litre. The budget shows very little increase in spending for people. Total subsidies as per cent of total expenditure have remained almost unchanged at about 12 per cent.

Appalling Discrimination against Kerala in Union Budget 2019-20

THE employment guarantee scheme has been one of those government interventions in our country which have been most beneficial to the people. As per last year's revised estimates, the government had sanctioned Rs 61,084 crore for this scheme. But the NDA-II government has allocated only Rs 60,000 crore for the scheme in this year's budget – a reduction of Rs 1,084 crore when compared to the previous budget. Even though the scheme is supposed to provide 100 days of employment per worker, the average days of employment per worker so far is just 46 days.


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