Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

PUNJAB: Comrade Surjeet’s Anniversary Observed

THE 11th death anniversary of Comrade Harkishan Singh Surjeet was observed in Chandigarh on August 1. The meeting was organised by the Punjabi daily Desh Sewak and Virsa Sambhal and Prasar Kender. Speaking on the occasion, Nilotpal Basu, Polit Bureau member of the CPI(M) called upon the Party workers and sympathizers to intensify the fight against communalism to protect the social fabric of the country from damage by the fundamentalist forces in the name of Hindu Rashtra and their efforts to convert India into a majoritarian  state.

Render Urgent Relief to Flood-Affected States

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on August 12, 2019.THE Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) expresses its grave concern at the loss of life, destruction of property and livestock due to the floods in various parts of the country.Kerala is the worst affected, exactly a year after the devastation caused by the floods in 2018. So far, the death toll has reached 72 with more bodies being recovered during rescue operations. Nearly three lakh people have been evacuated and housed in 1639 relief camps across the state.

Karnataka: Release of Capital in Kannada

MARXISM only offers powerful, unique and true critique of capitalism; hence, as long as capitalism lasts you cannot do without Marxism, asserted Professor Prabhat Patnaik.  He was delivering the keynote address at a seminar on ‘150 years of Capital’ and ‘Re-inventing Left’ at Bangalore on August 2.  The seminar was organised as part of the day-long celebration on the release of Kannada translation of ‘Capital Vol 1’. It was organised by Kriya Madhyama in collaboration with Navakarnatakaas, part of the ‘Marx 200-Capital 150’ project.

Article 370 and Kashmir’s Land Reforms

JAMMU and Kashmir was the first state in the country to introduce land reforms. There were two components of J&K’s land reforms. First, the system of absentee landlordism that had prevailed during the Maharaja’s time was completely done away with. The land of the absentee landlords was taken over without any compensation and simply distributed among the tenants; whoever was cultivating whatever amount of land on the absentee landlord’s estate as tenant was simply given ownership of that much of land without having to pay any amount of money for obtaining ownership.

Protest Detention of Sitaram Yechury

CPI(M)  Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on August 9THE Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) condemns the detention of Sitaram Yechury, general secretary of the Party and D Raja, general secretary of the CPI at the Srinagar airport. This shows the authoritarian face of the BJP government.Sitaram Yechury and D Raja had gone to Srinagar to visit Md Tarigami, MLA, the ailing leader of the CPI(M) and to meet the people of J&K.The Polit Bureau calls upon the people to protest this anti-democratic act of the BJP government. 

A Nudge Towards Strengthening Capitalist Patriarchy

CONSIDER the severe all round attacks on women’s rights in the last two and a half months of which are recounted here: the gruesome rape and attack on a 17 year old girl in Unnao and the BJP government’s negligence and political defence of the accused bylawmakers of the ruling party; the passing of the Triple Talaq Bill which will render many Muslim women destitute; the passing of the Wage Code Bill in Parliament which dilutes the Equal Remuneration Act; the passing of the bill, which provides for death penalty under the POCSO Act; the reduction in the budget for women’s security, the histo

MP: AIDWA State Conference

THE 10TH state conference of AIDWA resolved to build a stronger movement of the women in the state of Madhya Pradesh. This conference was held on July 16-18 in Kanha Resort in Morena city of MP. The city was named after late Comrade Leela Srivastava, who was treasurer of the organisation. The stage was named after Comrade Shanti Patel, who was the founder of AIDWA in Gwalior.The conference was conducted by a presidium comprising Vidya Sagar, Sandhya Shelly and Santosh Prajapati and was attended by 106 delegates. Mariad Dhawale, general secretary of AIDWA was present all the three days.

Tamil Nadu: Amendments in Article 370 be kept in Abeyance

AN ALL-PARTY meeting was held at Chennai on Saturday, August 10, in the background of abrogation of provisions of Article 370. The meeting was held under the leadership of DMK President, M K Stalin, in which all the leaders of Secular Progressive Front representing DMK, Congress, CPI(M), CPI, VCK, MDMK, IJK, Kongu Makkal Katchi, MMK, IUML, DK, and MJK participated.

Shed Apathy to Flood Hit States: AIKS

THE All India Kisan Sabha, in a statement issued on August 11, notes with concern the utter irresponsible and insensitive approach of the BJP led central government to the unprecedented floods, loss of lives and property in different parts of the country. In the last few months, large parts of India have been reeling under severe floods that have led to loss of hundreds of lives. Initially in July 2019, heavy rains and floods affected Assam, Bihar and nearby states in which there has been loss of lives and livestock as well as wild animals in the Kaziranga National Park.


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