TAHIRA Mazhar Ali passed away in Lahore on March 23. She was an eminent Communist leader. She was the first woman political prisoner, who was arrested in Pakistan along other comrades and writers in 1948. On the day she died, a young friend called from London and gave me the bad news. The next day a few of us met at a small place and held a meeting in her memory. It was a homely meet. At the most, 20-25 people attended.
AN electoral upset was always on the cards given the ham handed way President Goodluck Jonathan was dealing with the key issues of corruption and terrorism. But previous elections were marked by widespread electoral fraud and vote buying. Besides, in the checkered history of Nigerian politics, no ruling party was ever defeated since the country gained independence in 1960. Regime change was always effected through the barrel of the gun not through the ballot box.
Please accept our solidarity with your struggle in the interest of the Indian peoples. We are convinced that your Congress will mark an important step towards the goal of fairer, more democratic and more ecological society in India.
The draft of your Congress resolution shows us, that many issues of the political debate in India are similar to those in Europe, in Germany. So you might allow us to contribute some thoughts from our point of view.
The 21st Party Congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) takes serious exception to the blatantly exclusionary and discriminatory policies being followed by successive Central Governments towards the rights and entitlements of the people of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. As a consequence of neo-liberal policy, the people of the Scheduled Castes and Tribes have also had to face a reduction of their legitimate share in national resources.
DEAR prime minister,Your 'open letter' on the occasion of the first anniversary of your government was duly delivered to me this morning by my newspaper delivery man. In fact, two different letters in more than two different languages! I can't help but thank you for taking time out from your busy schedule to write not one, but two letters and give a glimpse of your government's achievements and priorities.
PRIME minister Narendra Modi had visited 18 countries in his first 12 months in office. Incredible! as, on an average, it makes one country for every 20 days! No wonder apologists for the BJP and Modi are trying to project 'foreign policy' as the government's biggest achievement.
CYBER weapons are no longer the stuff of science fiction. They are all too real, and so is their threat to our interconnected world. This threat is bound to grow in the coming days with the internet of things, when all our devices will have intelligence and be connected to the internet. If we want to stop the internet from being weaponised, we have to start talking about what nation states should or should not do.
THE Modi government completed one year in office on May 26. This year saw a continuation of the industrial stagnation which has been a feature of the Indian economy for quite some time now.
THOUSANDS of adivasi men and women started pouring into Azad Maidan in Mumbai from the night of May 18. By next day May 19, 2015, more than 25,000 people had gathered for the first-ever statewide adivasi rally jointly organised by the Maharashtra state committees of the Adivasi Adhikar Rashtriya Manch (AARM) and Communist Party of India (Marxist).