Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

US-hosted Climate Summit

ON Earth Day April 22, this year, US President Joe Biden hosted a summit of world leaders to address climate change, something he had promised he would do during his presidential campaign, to once again establish US leadership on this vital global issue that former US President Trump had abandoned four years ago.

US-hosted Climate Summit

ON Earth Day April 22, this year, US President Joe Biden hosted a summit of world leaders to address climate change, something he had promised he would do during his presidential campaign, to once again establish US leadership on this vital global issue that former US President Trump had abandoned four years ago.

US-hosted Climate Summit

ON Earth Day April 22, this year, US President Joe Biden hosted a summit of world leaders to address climate change, something he had promised he would do during his presidential campaign, to once again establish US leadership on this vital global issue that former US President Trump had abandoned four years ago.

Kerala: A Significant Victory

THE Left Democratic Front (LDF) government in Kerala has been re-elected to office with a big mandate. This is a significant election in many respects.The first significant aspect of the election is that this is the first time after 1977 that an incumbent government has been re-elected in Kerala.No Left-led government previous to the present one has been re-elected in the state. The first ministry to be formed by the Communist Party in Kerala was in 1957. It was the first elected government after the establishment of the modern State of Kerala and was led by E M S Namboodiripad.

G7: Or Failed Colonial Powers Telling the World What to Do

THE G7 foreign ministers of G7 countries met in London this week and issued a joint statement painting Russia as a malicious actor and China as a bully. It had little substance in its communique, apart from ticking all the “right” boxes in its anti-China and anti-Russia campaign: Uyghur’s, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Crimea, Ukraine. It ended with arrogating to itself the mantle of being the “rules-based international order”, distinct from what the real lawful international order is, the United Nations and the Security Council.

For Free Universal Vaccination Against Covid-19

OF all the decisions taken by the Modi government the most mindless has been the so-called “liberalisation” of vaccine distribution. Originally, the central government was the sole buyer from the two producing firms at a fixed price of Rs150 per dose, and then, while itself distributing them free to the people,also usedother channels for distribution, including private hospitals (who however charged Rs250 per dose because they had to pay the central government for the vaccines).

Farmers’ Struggle Hails Anti-BJP Electoral Verdicts

LAST week the historic farmers’ struggle had two great events to celebrate. The first was May Day and the second was the defeat of the BJP in the assembly elections in three major states -- Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and West Bengal -- followed closely by the big setback to it in the three-tier panchayat elections in Uttar Pradesh.FARMERS HAIL BJP’S POLL DEFEATAmong lakhs of farmers whose struggle has now crossed five months, with over 400 martyrs, there has been tremendous anger building up against the BJP-RSS central government led by Modi and Shah.

Ensure Uninterrupted Flow of Oxygen Universal Free Vaccination

Leaders of thirteen opposition parties issued a statement on May 2, 2021, on the acute demand for oxygen and universal vaccination in the country.IN times of the uncontrollable surge of the pandemic across our country:We call upon the central government to focus all attention in ensuring the uninterrupted flow of oxygen supplies to all hospitals and health centres across the country.We call upon the central government to immediately launch a free mass vaccination programme across the country.The budgetary allocation of Rs 35,000 crore for the vaccination programme

AIDWA Condemns Post-Poll Violence in West Bengal

THE All India Democratic Women's Association (AIDWA) has condemned the post-election violence that has reached terrifying proportions in West Bengal since the state assembly election results were declared on the evening of May 2. It said that 12 people have already been killed in the state, whatever may have been their political colour.AIDWA condemned the outbreak of unbridled terror destroying lives and property and turning into a threat against democracy and harmony among the people of this state.


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