Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Beware of Caste Polarisation: CPI(M)

THE Haryana state secretariat of the CPI(M) has appealed to all sections of the people to remain vigilant against the attempts of certain political forces to create caste polarisation for electoral gains in the coming Lok Sabha polls by using the issue of reservations. In a press release issued from Rohtak on March 14, the party’s state secretary, Inderjit Singh, said the Congress party was destroying the jobs and admission opportunities through its policies of privatisation on the one hand while it was seeking to take credit for reservation to a particular caste on the other hand.


THROUGH a statement issued from New Delhi on March 15, 2014, the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) has denounced the anti-worker bias of the UPA government which has not yet notified the increase in minimum pension to Rs 1,000 under the EPF pension scheme and enhancement of the ceiling of contribution and coverage which has been unanimously recommended by the Central Board of Trustees (CBT) of the Employees Provident Fund Organisation on February 4, 2014 and sent to the government for immediate action on the same.

Smith, Marx and Alienation

THERE has always been a tendency among non-Marxists to ignore the specificity of Marx’s perceptions in the realm of political economy, and to reduce them instead to similar but antecedent ideas that might be found in Adam Smith or David Ricardo. Economist Paul Samuelson expressed this tendency in the most blatant, if deliberately provocative, manner when he referred to Marx as a “minor post-Ricardian”.

CPI(M) Candidates for Lok Sabha Polls: Second List

ON March 14, the Communist Party of India (Marxist) issued a second list of its candidates for 49 Lok Sabha seats in West Bengal, Kerala and Tripura, which the party has decided to contest. The list includes some independent candidates supported by the party. 


West BengalJalpaiguri (SC)Mahendra Kumar Roy


 DarjeelingSaman Pathak


 RaiganjMd. Salim

Real Face of Imperialism

THE latest display of imperialism’s aggressiveness in its quest for global hegemony has come following the referendum held in the Black Sea Crimean Peninsula, part of Ukraine, where people overwhelmingly voted to join the Russian Federation. In a referendum, endorsed as free and fair by many an international observer, 85 per cent of the people participated of whom 96.9 per cent voted in favour of Crimea joining the Russian Federation.

Left Front Campaign Battles Terror

THE Left Front has begun its election campaign in West Bengal by squarely battling terror in most affected areas. In the last 34 months of Trinamool regime, the ruling party has unleashed political terror in a large part of the state. No normal political activities are allowed in these areas, with murders, arson, false cases, and attacks on women becoming regular feature. But Left Front activists have gathered strength and regrouped in these areas and Red flags are up again.

WFTU Calls for Struggle against Unemployment

THE presidential council of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) has called for a worldwide struggle against unemployment and for the strengthening of solidarity actions in the struggle against capitalist and imperialist exploitation.
The meeting of the council, which is the highest policy making body of the only class oriented international trade union organisation, was held in Rome on February 14 and 15, 2014. The meeting was hosted by the USB of Italy and presided by WFTU president Muhammad, Shaaban Azouz, who is also the president of GFTU, Syria.

CPI(M), CPI to Contest Jointly

THE CPI(M) and CPI units in Tamilnadu has decided to face the Lok Sabha elections jointly.
The DMK’s hope of roping the CPI into its alliance for the Lok Sabha polls was dashed late on March 10 with the CPI’s executive committee backing the CPI(M)’s decision to go it alone in the state.
After the ruling AIADMK went back on its announcement on contesting with the two Left parties, the latter decided to work together. However, the media scooped that there were possibilities of an alliance between the DMK and the Left. DMK chief M Karunanidhi also expressed his willingness.


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