Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Modi Govt. Fixated on Wheat Exports, Flour Prices Rising, Wheat Shortage Looming

WHILE prime minister Modi was, as usual, busy inaugurating projects in poll-bound Gujarat and visiting Europe, retail prices of another essential food item, wheat flour or atta have reached their highest level. According to data collected from across the country by the central government’s department of consumer affairs, average atta prices have increased from Rs 28.80 per kilogram in May 2021 to Rs 32.91 in May 2022.

Reject J&K Delimitation Commission Recommendations

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on May 6, 2022.THE recommendations of the J&K Delimitation Commission are blatantly unjustified and illogical. This has recommended increasing six seats in the Jammu region while only one in Kashmir valley. The Commission considered the 2011 census for delimiting territorial constituencies.

Polit Bureau Communique

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) met in New Delhi on May 9-10. It has issued the following statement on May 11, 2022.CONTROL THIS GALLOPING PRICE RISETHE unabated galloping price rise is imposing unprecedented burdens on the people. Crores of people are suffering and are pushed into poverty with growing hunger pangs.

May Day: A Source of Inspiration

TELANGANA state committee of CITU had given a call for a ‘Mayday week’ from May 1. An effort was made to reach non-unionised workers, especially migrant workers from north India. An attempt was also made to counter the communal agenda and to emphasise the importance of working-class unity. Wherever the call was implemented in the true spirit, it has given enriching experiences.As we all know, May Day has attained more and more importance in the background of the attack on labour laws in the interest of the capitalist class.

12th Maharashtra State Conference of DYFI

THE 12th Maharashtra state conference of the DYFI held at Umberpada in Surgana Taluka of Palghar district from April 23-25, 2022, resolved to rapidly expand the youth movement and organisation to meet the threats posed by the murderous rightwing offensive and the grave unemployment situation.In connection with the conference, a massive youth rally and a public meeting were organised on April 23. Thousands of DYFI activists from Nashik district participated in the rally held at Umberthan, Surgana Taluka.

Maha: People Rise to Protest Fuel Price Hikes& Defend People’s Unity

MAHARASHTRA state committee of the CPI(M) called on the people of the state to protest against the almost daily hikes in fuel prices imposed by the BJP central government by observing a statewide ‘One Hour Boycott Satyagraha of Fuel Purchase', along with demonstrations on April 27, 2022.April 27 saw a large number of Party cadres and activists of various class and mass organisations thronging the petrol–diesel–LPG outlets all over the state for picketing between 11am to 12 noon.A planned campaign preceded the actual day of the satyagraha.

IPCC Sixth Assessment Report: On Mitigation

RESPONSE of the media and the public to the series of reports together forming the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC/AR6) has been surprising, yet telling, in important ways.IPCC’s Assessment Reports are written and released roughly at intervals of six years and, as reports based on extensive peer-reviewed information and data, written up by leading scientists and experts from other disciplines with many rounds of consultations, are widely regarded as the broadest updated consensus of the scientific community on the issue of climate change.

Marx: ‘Working Day’ and Class Struggle

THE struggle to define the working day as Marx described in Capital I was a protracted and concealed civil war between the capitalists and the working class spanning for more than half a century. For capital, the consumption of labour from the labour-power shouldn’t face any limit of time. The longer the constant capital or machines put to work, the greater will be the possibility of extracting surplus value from the workers.

Resisting the Bulldozer Attacks

THE Citizens March on May 11, 2022, turned out to be a stern warning from thousands of Delhiites that they won’t allow the RSS-BJP to bulldoze their constitutional rights.Brinda Karat, Polit Bureau Member of the CPI(M) while speaking at the march said the RSS-BJP bulldozer which runs through the livelihood of the working people of Delhi stops in front of the encroachment of their cronies and elites. She said the united might of the working class would give a befitting reply to the RSS-BJP in the coming days.

Casualisation of Bank Jobs Leading to Exploitation

SERVICE conditions of bank employees in the country were first codified in the Sastry Award at the industry level in 1952 and subsequently amended in the Desai Award in 1958. The era of bilateral discussions commenced in 1966. The first bipartite settlement was arrived on October 19, 1966, between the Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) and trade unions of bank employees. The latest in the series, the 11th bipartite settlement, was signed on November 11, 2020, with retrospective effect from November 1, 2017.


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