Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Booster Shots and Omicron: Many Questions

THERE is much discussion these days on whether to introduce booster shots in India, both generally in response to the Covid pandemic and in the specific context of the Omicron variant of the virus. So far, recommendations for boosters by many experts are being made based on very thin evidence about effectiveness of boosters for protection against infection or transmission and, importantly, against serious disease, hospitalisation and death, which are the primary objectives of vaccination programmes.

7000 MW Solar Power from SECI Questionable & Detrimental

THE decision of the government of Andhra Pradesh to direct its DISCOMS to enter into long-term PPAs for purchasing 7000 MW or 17,000 MU solar power per annum from Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) for a period of 25 years in three tranches from September 2024 (3000 MW), September 2025 (3000 MW) and September 2026 (1000 MW) and granting approval to the proposal by APERC(Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission) within three days is questionable and detrimental to the interest of the state for various reasons.          The demand approved by APERC for the fourth and fifth contr

National Conventions of Transport Workers

THE All India Road Transport Workers’ Federation (AIRTWF) had organised national conventions of workers in state transport undertakings (STUs) and in private transport separately on December 9th and 10th in Delhi. The conventions discussed the conditions in STUs and the entire transport sector. Both the conventions unanimously demanded the central government to negotiate with the trade unions and adopt suitable policy decisions to save the industry and to resolve the issues faced by the workers.

Exorbitant Price Rise of Cotton Yarn: Textile Industry is coming to a standstill

THE spinning mills announced a price rise of Rs 50 per kg for cotton hosiery yarn on November 1, 2021, in Tirupur an industrial city of Tamil Nadu. There are more than 4,000 units functioning, in which employment to nearly four lakh people is provided directly. This region is also producing cotton knitted innerwear and garments for the domestic market worth Rs 20,000 crore per year and garments for export - Rs 27,000 crore.

Two-day General Strike of Workers on Feb 23-24

THE Joint Platform of Central Trade Unions and Independent Sectoral All India Federations and Associations have decided to observe a two-day general strike on February 23-24, with the main slogan of “Save the People and Save the Nation.” The decision was taken as per the call given by the National Convention of Workers on November 11, to organise a general strike during the budget session of the parliament. The state units of the joint platform have resolved to carry out intensive campaign jointly through various forms such as state conventions, human chains, torchlight processions, signatu

The Week in Parliament

THE winter session of parliament began on November 29 and the first day was marked with the undemocratic suspension of 12 MPs including Elamaram Kareem from the CPI(M) Rajya Sabha for the entire winter session. The opposition staged a walkout from both the houses in protest and the suspended members have vowed to protest in front of the parliament house till the end of the session. Both the houses witnessed disruptions over the issue.

Suspension of Opposition MPs in Rajya Sabha: Assault on Parliamentary Democracy

THE ruling BJP and its allies are trying to undermine the very democratic system of our nation by taking away the rights of parliamentarians. The last monsoon session saw some of the most humiliating days for our democracy. The ongoing winter session is witnessing an even worse phase. Listening to the opposition is unavoidable in democracy. But the BJP is trying how not to answer the questions posed by the opposition, and how to silence the MPs asking questions.

Successful Nationwide Strike by Construction Workers

OVER 15 lakh construction workers participated in a two-day nationwide strike on December 2-3, 2021, at the call of the Construction Workers’ Federation of India, one of the largest federations of CITU, and made it a phenomenal success. Braving arrests, threats and intimidations, over a million construction workers rose in rage against the anti-worker and anti-people policies of the Modi regime. The two-day strike action was the largest ever in the history of the unorganised sector.


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