
Protests against Israel’s Attack on Gaza

AT the call of Left parties – CPI, CPI(M), and CPI(ML), hundreds of people gathered at Freedom Park in Bangalore to protest against the Israel’s bombing on Gaza killing thousands of Palestinians including women and children.Bangalore police had refused permission for the protest. But people gathered defying the police ban and proceeded to hold the demonstration. Police arrested the demonstrators and took them to City Armed Reserve (South) at Adugodi.


Statue and Murals of Gangadhar Appa Burande Unveiled“THE ruling BJP is dismantling the constitution by methodically attacking the foundational principles of democracy, secularism, sovereignty and federalism enshrined in it,” said Sitaram Yechury, general secretary of the CPI(M).

Kerala: V S Achuthanandan turns Hundred

THE entire political spectrum of Kerala came together to convey their best wishes to the Communist stalwart V S Achuthanandan on his 100th birthday, which fell on October 20. V S Achuthanandan, a symbol of communist struggles and a shining star in the revolution's sky, received greetings from numerous prominent figures in the socio-political arena, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury, and chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan.

Kerala: V S Achuthanandan turns Hundred

THE entire political spectrum of Kerala came together to convey their best wishes to the Communist stalwart V S Achuthanandan on his 100th birthday, which fell on October 20. V S Achuthanandan, a symbol of communist struggles and a shining star in the revolution's sky, received greetings from numerous prominent figures in the socio-political arena, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury, and chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan.

J&K: Government Must Concede ASHA Workers Demands

ASHA workers, who essentially act as backbone of health structure in rural areas of the region, are compelled to work on paltry emoluments. The government has totally neglected them. They have been fighting for better remuneration over the last many years but to no avail, thus compelling them to resort to strikes and dharnas. Recently the workers were on protest in every district of Jammu and Kashmir.The senior officers of the health department including NHM officials met the delegations of respective ASHA workers unions.

Asia Pacific Conference of Pensioners and Retirees

THE Trade Union International (Pensioners & Retirees) founded by WFTU in the year 2004 has conducted its Asia Pacific Conference in Thiruvananthapuram city of Kerala in India. Most of the Indian Pensioners Associations affiliated to NCCPA (National Coordination Committee of Pensioners Associations) and delegates from Nepal and Sri Lanka took part in this regional conference and analysed the pension and social security in their respective countries after the liberalisation of economy.

TN: ‘Autocracy Will Be Defeated with Our Unity,' Journalists Vow

Enable GingerCannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connectionor reload the browserDisable in this text fieldRephraseRephrase current sentenceEdit in Ginger×JOURNALISTS from various media organisations staged a demonstration in Chennai and vowed to build a powerful unity among the people to defeat the BJP government which is unleashing autocratic and undemocratic attacks on the media outlets exposing the truth.The demonstration was organised by the Tamil Nadu state committee of the CPI(M) to condemn the oppression unleashed upon the web portal NewsClick.

Ten Political Parties Seek Governor’s Intervention to Restore Peace in Manipur

TEN political parties in Manipur – the Communist Party of India (Marxist), Communist Party of India, All India Forward Bloc, Revolutionary Socialist Party, Indian National Congress, Janata Dal (United), Aam Aadmi Party, Nationalist Congress Party, All India Trinamool Congress, and Shiv Sena (UBT), have written to the state governor, Anusuiya Uikey urging her to provide adequate relief and rehabilitation to the people affected by the crisis in Manipur.In a letter written to the governor on October 13, the opposition party leaders requested her to bring peace and tranquility and to save democ

WB: CWFI Holds Women Construction Workers Convention

THE second West Bengal state convention of women construction workers was successfully held on October 15, 2023 at Comrade Sujit Mukherjee and Comrade Shyama Prasad Roy Nagar and Comrade Anju Das Chatterjee Manch, Berhampore, Murshidabad in West Bengal. The convention resolved to organise women construction workers with vigor and determination and scale up the struggles engaging more women construction workers to achieve their basic demands.The convention started with flag hoisting.


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