
HIMACHAL PRADESH: Protest against Exorbitant Bills

SHIMLA Nagrik Sabha(SNS) held a strong protest demonstration outside the office of the municipal commissioner on July 16 against the exorbitant bills of water, garbage, electricity and property tax. Later a delegation met the commissioner and submitted a memorandum.The SNS argued that during the Corona period the state government has provided no financial assistance to the people and industry of the city. Nearly 70 per cent of the people have lost full or partial employment during this period. The hotel and restaurant industry in Shimla city has come to a complete standstill.

HP: Provide Cheap and Affordable Medicines to check Apple Scab

IN Himachal Pradesh, the apple economy is about Rs 5,000 crore. It is the backbone of the state’s economy. During the past few years due to the implementation of the neoliberal economic policies by the successive governments in the state, the horticulture  sector especially the apple industry has been neglected. The subsidies on fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides were withdrawn. The research and development projects were also neglected.

TELANGANA: CPI(M) Protests against Insufficient Covid Tests

THE CPI(M), on July 16, organised a state-wide satyagraha in front of government hospitals in Telangana to highlight and protest the state and central governments’ failure in containing the spread of Covid-19 in the state. Over 47,000 Covid-19 positive cases have been reported across the state and more than 400 people have succumbed to the infection so far.The protests were held in 196 centres across Telangana wherein nearly 4,700 people participated.

TELANGANA: CPI(M) Protests against Insufficient Covid Tests

THE CPI(M), on July 16, organised a state-wide satyagraha in front of government hospitals in Telangana to highlight and protest the state and central governments’ failure in containing the spread of Covid-19 in the state. Over 47,000 Covid-19 positive cases have been reported across the state and more than 400 people have succumbed to the infection so far.The protests were held in 196 centres across Telangana wherein nearly 4,700 people participated.

Withdraw Draft EIA 2020: CPI(M)

CPI(M) Polit Bureau member Brinda Karat, in a letter to union minister for environment, forests and climate change, Prakash Javadekar on July 17, has conveyed the Party’s objection to the Draft Notification for Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) 2020.Below we publish the full text of the letter.IT is clear enough that India’s environment regulation structure is not robust and needs correction. EIA is part of this structure.

Statement Issued by CPI(M) Kerala State Secretariat

THE Kerala state secretariat of CPI(M), in a statement issued on July 10, 2020 said that the violent protests organised by the opposition in the name of the gold smuggling case to topple the LDF government, is a threat to human lives when Kerala is at the brink of Covid-19 community transmission.Both the chief minister and the LDF government have made it clear that their demand is to bring to book the accused and the aids behind the gold smuggling case.

HARYANA: Terminated PTI Teachers Launch Struggle

THE PTI (physical training instructors) teachers, 1983 in number,  were appointed by the Haryana Staff Selection Board (HSSB) on April 10, 2020. The PTI teachers were then posted in schools across the state of Haryana. Those who were not selected challenged the selection procedure in the Punjab and Haryana High Court. The high court passed an order on September 11, 2002 and set aside the selection of the PTI teachers. The PTI teachers and the Haryana government challenged this order of the high court in the supreme court.

Gold Smuggling Case: People of Kerala Will See the Real Colours of the BJP - UDF

IT is clear that the political and economic interests of the Congress, the BJP and a section of media have created a smokescreen and is trying to distract the investigation from the issue of gold smuggling. The basic and crucial questions are: who smuggled the gold, who did it for whom, for how long has it been happening, which are the forces that helped it, and who all benefited from it.But this group is not keen to get into these questions. It is proven that they would go to any length to prevent the investigation from addressing these basic questions.

Black-flag Demos against the Nefarious Plans to Deny BSNL of 4G Technology

THE employees and officers of BSNL, organised black-flag demonstrations throughout the country on July 16, 2020, protesting against the cancellation of BSNL’s tender to procure 4G equipments. Day-long black-badge wearing was also done by the employees and officers on that day.The All Unions and Associations of BSNL (AUAB), the umbrella organisation of all the major trade unions and officers’ associations, organised these programmes. Lockdown, prohibition under section 144 and other severe restrictions are imposed throughout the country, to contain the spread of Covid-19 pandemic.


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