
Jammu & Kashmir: PAGD Becomes the Largest Group in DDC Elections

The Peoples’ Alliance for Gupkar Declaration(PAGD) bagged 110 seats in the DDC(District Development Council) elections held in Jammu & Kashmir and became the largest group in these local body elections.The details are given below:S No.                           Parties                 Seats1.                               J&K NC                   672.                               J&K PDP                 273.                               JKPC                       084.                               CPI(M)                    055.                               JK

BJP, Main Threat for Regional Parties

BJP HAS become the main threat for the survival of regional parties in the country, said Prakash Karat, Editor, Peoples’ Democracy and CPI(M) Polit Bureau Member, while delivering theMakineni Basavapunnaiah Memorial lecture on “Present Politics- Challenges before the Regional parties”.The 106thbirth anniversary of the Marxist ideologue- M Basavapunnaiah was conducted at MB Vignana Kendram (MBVK), Vijayawada on December 15. P Madhu, managing trustee of MB Trust and CPI(M) state secretary presided over the meeting.

Maharashtra: AIKS-led Farmers' Vehicle Jatha to Delhi Gets Massive Response

AIKS-led 1,300 Km-long Maharashtra Farmers' Vehicle Jatha for Delhi began from Nashik on the evening of December 21 with a rousing public meeting and send-off by thousands of people.The jatha is being led up to Delhi by AIKS president- Ashok Dhawale, former state president- J P Gavit, ex-MLA, state president- Kisan Gujar, state general secretary- Ajit Nawale, state office bearers- Sunil Malusare, Irfan Shaikh, Umesh Deshmukh, Arjun Adey, Uday Narkar, Uddhav Poul, Shankar Sidam and other AIKS leaders.The AIKS, CITU, AIAWU, AIDWA, DYFI and SFI in Maharashtra have taken very active part in all

Rajasthan: Kisans March Towards Delhi

THOUSANDS of kisans on December 15, under the joint leadership of Sanyukt Kisan Morcha(Joint Kisan Front), and on the call of AIKSCC reached Shahjahanpur where they were stopped by the Haryana police. Shahjahanpur is the border of Rajasthan and Haryana states. These kisans were mainly from Rajasthan, Gujarat and Haryana. Since last three days, the Jaipur-Delhi National Highway has been blocked as the kisans are not allowed to march forward to Delhi. There is a continuous dharna at Shahjahanpur.Hundreds of kisans from Sriganganagar came on dozens of tractors and reached the venue.

Maha: Huge Actions and Bandh in Support 0f Farmers Struggle AIKS Plans Spirited 1300 km Vehicle March to Delhi

MAHARASHTRA witnessed four massive actions in the last three weeks. The first was the response to the nationwide working-class strike and the nationwide peasant upsurge on November 26. The second was the solidarity action to support the fighting farmers of Punjab and Haryana at the Delhi border on December 3. The third was the overwhelming response to the Bharat Bandh on December 8 in support of the farmer’s struggle.

Nationwide Farmers Struggle Intensifies, Gets Ready for the Long Haul

THE historic nationwide farmers struggle that began on November 26 entered the fourth week on December 17. It was intensified and broadened even further after the unprecedented support that was expressed by the people of India through the Bharat Bandh on December 8.For the first time since the neo-liberal policies began three decades ago, all sections of the peasantry have united as never before against the three Farm Acts, against the rapacious corporate lobby, both Indian and foreign, and against the BJP-RSS central government that is acting as their servile agent.

Commendable Services by Covid-19 Isolation Centre of MB Vignana Kendram Trust

WITH the rampant spread of Covid-19, people were seriously worried over getting the required medical and health services. Non-availability of beds in government hospitals and heavy charges collected by private nursing homes left the patients and their families in depression and disarray. In this background, some well-wishers mooted the idea of running an isolation centre under the aegis of Makineni Basavapunnaiah Vignana Kendram (MBVK) Trust. The trust committee discussed and decided to start a Covid isolation centre in the premises of newly constructed Balotsav Bhavan at Vijayawada.

Massive Left Wave in Kerala Local Body Polls

A MASSIVE Left wave has engulfed Kerala's political scene as the CPIM-led Left Democratic Front has swept a major chunk of the seats in the recent local body elections. Dealing a massive blow to the INC-led UDF, LDF has conclusive leads in five city corporations out of six, 10 out of 14 district panchayats, 108 out of 152 block panchayats, 34 out of 86 municipalities, and 514 out of 941 grama panchayats in the state. The present LDF government was much appreciated for the citizen-friendly way in which the state tackled the coronavirus crisis.


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