

CPI (M) leader Mohamad Yousuf Tarigami, on September 17, has said that the latest orders of the Jammu and Kashmir administration that employee’s alleged involvement in terrorism, subversion will lead to his/her termination and no passport will be given to employees till they get vigilance clearance, are another set of arbitrary decisions which need to be reconsidered.A government employee is a tool to implement policies of the government.

Jharkhand: Farmers Convention Reinforces Commitment to Strengthen Struggle

ON September 12, a state-level farmers convention was held in Ranchi, and a call for strengthening September 27th Bharat Bandh was given.P Krishna Prasad, executive member of Rashtriya Samyukt Kisan Morcha and national treasurer of All India Kisan Sabha as the keynote speaker said that to save tribal farming, the demand for modernisation of farming through cooperative farming and crop-based industry must be forcefully raised.He said, “Hemant Soren government should pass a resolution in the assembly against the three farm laws.

WB: Efforts for Making September 27 Bharat Bandh Success

IN the backdrop the Bharat Bandh on September 27 to create pressure on the government to concede to the legitimate demand of our annadatas, in West Bengal the party and all mass organisations have embarked on a dedicated mission of making the bandh a grand success.Comrades, activists, supporters and sympathisers are crisscrossing every nook and corner of the state to spread the message of the bandh. Leaflets, in which the reasons behind the bandh and the charter of demands are clearly vocalised, are being distributed amongst the masses to educate them.

Inspiring Branch Conferences in Tamil Nadu

FOR the Communist Party, a conference at any level is not an event where people assemble only to hear leaders deliver speeches and then disperse. A conference is an event that involves, for the period since the previous conference, free and frank discussion of the political-social situation as it has evolved, the tasks carried out, the experience gained, the advances made, the setbacks encountered and the contributions of the concerned comrades in all this.

Tripura: Black 8th September Ferocity: How and Why?

THE sensible, peace-loving and democratic-minded people of the entire country got thunderstruck to see the fangs of ferocity that the BJP’s organised gangs exhibited in Tripura on September 8, 2021.In broad daylight on that day, 43 offices of the Left parties, mostly of the CPI(M) including its state committee, have been raided, ransacked, looted and set on fire by the organised gangs of the ruling BJP. All the offices were spread over five out of eight districts of the state.

Kerala: Massive Protests throughout the State

LAKHS of people of Kerala participated in huge protests against the anti-people policies of the Modi government on September 9. Observing the Covid protocol, CPI(M) activists in the state gathered before the central government offices to register their protest. The protests were held as a part of the CPI(M) central call to launch a nationwide campaign against the anti-people policies.CPI(M) activists and sympathisers held placards against the farm laws, and raised slogans against the sell-off of the profit-making public-sector units.


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