
Urban flooding

MUCH awaited monsoons in the country may be deficient in rainfall, but flooding even with scant rainfall has become a common phenomenon. The cities happens to be the worst resilient with the kind of infrastructure that has been constructed over the years. This leads to loss of lives and property. Just in three states, Maharashtra, Kerala and Karnataka, 227 people have died and the number may be higher as there are a large number of missing persons.

Right Wing Desperation in DU

SANGH Parivar is desperately trying to portray Vinayak Damodar Savarkar as a brave anti-imperialist freedom fighter among the youth of our country. To showcase him as a brave personality, the RSS family calls him “Veer Savarkar”, this is the nomenclature of VD Savarkar popularised in Vidya Bharti school textbooks and in RSS shakhas.Despite all these efforts, the Sangh family has failed to establish Savarkar as a youth icon. But they haven’t given up.

TAMIL NADU: Independence Day in Seragudi, Thanjavur

THE state conference of the TNUEF (Tamil Nadu Untouchability Eradication Front) was held at Thanjavur from August 15-17.  The need to strengthen this organisation and the many struggles and agitations that it organises was borne out by the fact that in just the month preceding the conference, there had been two incidents of brutal ‘honour killings’ in which both husbands and wives had been murdered because of their inter-caste marriages;  one elderly dalit had been murdered in the neighbouring district of Rameswaram;  and, on the very eve of the conference, an attack on dalits had taken pla

Govt Action in J&K Ominous for Indian Republic

WITH unprecedented speed – between August 5 and August 9 – the BJP government at the Centre amended the Constitution, dissolved and dismantled the State of Jammu and Kashmir and brought its entire geographical territory and 1.25 crore population under its direct control.As a first step, on August 5, bypassing Parliament and the people of Jammu and Kashmir, the Union Ministry of Law and Justice issued a Government’s order -- The Constitution (Application to Jammu and Kashmir) Order, 2019 - making “all the provisions of the Constitution, as amended from time to time, shall apply in relation t

A Nudge Towards Strengthening Capitalist Patriarchy

CONSIDER the severe all round attacks on women’s rights in the last two and a half months of which are recounted here: the gruesome rape and attack on a 17 year old girl in Unnao and the BJP government’s negligence and political defence of the accused bylawmakers of the ruling party; the passing of the Triple Talaq Bill which will render many Muslim women destitute; the passing of the Wage Code Bill in Parliament which dilutes the Equal Remuneration Act; the passing of the bill, which provides for death penalty under the POCSO Act; the reduction in the budget for women’s security, the histo

J&K Developments: Ominous Signs: Betrayal of Trust

CONFINEMENT IN SRINAGAR AIRPORT ON August 9, I along with CPI general secretary, D Raja proceeded to Srinagar after the central government had, on August 5, dismantled the state of Jammu and Kashmir and divided it into two centrally administered union territories. This was done through a virtual military takeover and arresting mainstream political leaders.On the previous day, August 8, I had written a letter to the governor of Jammu and Kashmir informing him of my forthcoming visit to meet CPI(M) Central Committee member and four time MLA, Mohd Yusuf Tarigami.

Exposing the RSS

THE official organ of the RSS, Organiser (August 4, 2019, Vol 71, No 6), has come out with a cover story, ‘Exploring RSS’. It was in support of the Nagpur University’s decision to introduce a BA course ‘RSS and Nation Building’ in its history syllabus. The cover story extols the role of RSS in ‘nation building’ and argues that, since it is the ‘biggest voluntary organisation’ in the world, it is necessary for everyone to study and learn from its history. A student should be free to study any aspect of history and that may include RSS.

Virtual Games as a Site of Resistance

DURING President Obama’s tenure, his administration created an Agency with its major goal as the creation of educational software ‘as compelling as the best video game’. This might have been inspired by a statement made by Professor Edward O. Wilson, of Harvard, who declared that “Games are the future of learning”. Military, corporates and businesses have already started using games as a means of ‘learning’ and ‘influencing’.


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