
Global Wealth Inequality Deepens, Pandemic Added to It

THE Global Inequality Report 2022, released last week, has confirmed what common people were painfully aware of – the rich have become richer and the poor have become even poorer. The report has marshalled an enormous amount of data from countries across the world to reveal that the richest 2,750 billionaires now own 3.5 per cent of world’s wealth while the poorest 388 crore people of the world (50 per cent of world’s population) own a mere 2 per cent of global wealth.Unsurprisingly, data from India follows the global trend.

7000 MW Solar Power from SECI Questionable & Detrimental

THE decision of the government of Andhra Pradesh to direct its DISCOMS to enter into long-term PPAs for purchasing 7000 MW or 17,000 MU solar power per annum from Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) for a period of 25 years in three tranches from September 2024 (3000 MW), September 2025 (3000 MW) and September 2026 (1000 MW) and granting approval to the proposal by APERC(Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission) within three days is questionable and detrimental to the interest of the state for various reasons.          The demand approved by APERC for the fourth and fifth contr

Exorbitant Price Rise of Cotton Yarn: Textile Industry is coming to a standstill

THE spinning mills announced a price rise of Rs 50 per kg for cotton hosiery yarn on November 1, 2021, in Tirupur an industrial city of Tamil Nadu. There are more than 4,000 units functioning, in which employment to nearly four lakh people is provided directly. This region is also producing cotton knitted innerwear and garments for the domestic market worth Rs 20,000 crore per year and garments for export - Rs 27,000 crore.

Suspension of Opposition MPs in Rajya Sabha: Assault on Parliamentary Democracy

THE ruling BJP and its allies are trying to undermine the very democratic system of our nation by taking away the rights of parliamentarians. The last monsoon session saw some of the most humiliating days for our democracy. The ongoing winter session is witnessing an even worse phase. Listening to the opposition is unavoidable in democracy. But the BJP is trying how not to answer the questions posed by the opposition, and how to silence the MPs asking questions.

Sangh Parivar Tries to Create “Food Communalism”

THE Kerala state committee of the Democratic Youth Federation of India has conducted a campaign named “Food Street” from November 24 exposing the Sangh Parivar’s hate propaganda against Halal hotels. The Halal hate campaign is intended to create anti-Muslim feelings in society. RSS has started the hate campaign in social media with leaders like K Surendran, president of Kerala Bharatiya Janata Party, in the lead.

Politics of Mass Struggle

THE historic victory of the kisan struggle in forcing the government to roll back the anti-farmer, pro-corporate three farm laws underlines the importance of the politics of mass struggle. The strength of the farmers' united movements under the leadership of the Samyukta Kisan Morcha put the government on the defensive with the struggle organically transforming into a mass struggle against the BJP and its governments at the centre and states.

The Ominous Design: Journey towards a Security State

MODI government has promulgated two ordinances allowing the central government to extend tenures of the directors of CBI and ED from two to five years. That both these central agencies have been functioning as the political tool of the ruling party to advance the government’s agenda is a cliché in India today. Leaders of opposition parties and dissenting voices, intellectuals who dare to call the government to account are being regularly targeted.


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