
Budget 2022-23: Cutting-edge Technology to Pvt Companies but, Crutches to BSNL

WHILE placing the budget in the parliament, finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman, proudly announced that 5G service would be launched in this financial year. In the same breath, she announced that 5G service would be launched only by the private telecom companies. It means the public sector BSNL is going to be deprived of 5G technology.It is a known fact that the Modi government discriminated BSNL in 4G technology also. It is already seven years since 4G service was launched in India. Till date, BSNL has not been able to start its 4G service.

Prices of Essential Items are on Fire – Modi Govt. is Sleeping

ALTHOUGH opinion polls are notoriously unreliable as far as elections are concerned, one of the issues all opinion polls always tend to agree upon is economic problems. Recently, a big media house released its annual ‘mood of the nation’ survey results.While political questions like who will win, or who is the best were endlessly belaboured in media, not much attention went to other key results.

Why a Statue of Netaji Now?

THE India Gate in Delhi is an imperial monument constructed by the British government to commemorate Indian soldiers of the British Indian army who died in battlefields far from home, in Flanders, Gallipoli, Iran and elsewhere during the First World War (1914-18).  Other Indian soldiers who died during Britain’s Afghan wars also had their names recorded on the monument.  Later, a statue of King George V was installed under a canopy in the centre of the war memorial.Some years after independence, the king’s statue was unceremoniously removed and, since there were many suggestions as to whose

Struggle for the Republic; History is the Principal Site of Struggle

THIS was about five decades back in the mid-seventies. I was then a student at Jadavpur University. It was a time of internal emergency in the country. We on our campus had quite a few students from Palestine. They were not just progressive, but also active participants in the Palestine liberation struggle. One day some of them informed us that an important leader of the PLO was in Kolkata. The PLO operatives urged that progressive student activists meet him to discuss and exchange views and experiences.Naturally, we were excited. On a specific day, some of us went to the meeting.

Winds of Change in Uttar Pradesh

FAST-MOVING political changes in UP have forced political commentators and analysts who were predicting an easy win for the BJP in the assembly election to be held in February and March 2022, to rethink their political math.  The exodus of several MLAs and three cabinet ministers from the BJP to the SP has upset the calculations of those occupying high office in Delhi and Lucknow too who are seeing the ground shifting beneath their ministerial chairs. It is incorrect, however, to think that the Yogi government is facing challenges all of a sudden.  As early as 2018, more than 100 BJP MLAs,

The Fee Must Fall Movement: An Ongoing Struggle Towards Victory

IT is true that the history of public education has been fraught with neo-liberal, authoritative and regressive attacks on the promises of secular, scientific and accessible education in this country. It has been, however, at its core, also a history of continuous student struggles fought not just against these attacks but for an equal and just society. The debarring and imposition of fine on 11 students of Pondicherry University over protests against fee hikes are a reflection of this same anti-student sentiment.


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