
Pandemic Exposes the BJP Govt’s Governance Model

INDIA is no stranger to shortages, but there was one shortage nobody would have dreamt of in their most horrific nightmare – shortage of space and firewood at cremation grounds and burial grounds. And yet, that is a spectacle that has become routine in several cities across India. Families of those who had lost their loved ones waited for hours in queues to cremate their dead and paid astronomical sums to buy the firewood needed to do so. Many were cremated outside the crematoria.

Vaccine Supplies: The Elusive Second Dose

IN the months of May and June, India will need to administer at least 125 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines as second doses alone. The upper limit of manufacturing capacity in the country is about 75 million doses per month. By most accounts, the actual production is less than this. For the month of May, so far only 41 million doses—or a little more than half—have been procured, or are available for procurement. It is clear , therefore, that India faces a severe shortage of vaccines even to cover second doses, and this shortage is likely to continue for the next few months.

A Caring World Needs a Sharing World to End the Covid-19 Pandemic

AFTER three months of dithering, the Biden administration has supported South Africa and India’s move in WTO for a temporary waiver of patent rights on Covid-19 vaccines. This had the overwhelming support of countries and public health groups in the world. The opposition is now from EU countries, which had earlier tried to portray themselves as more progressive than the US. Under Trump, that was not difficult.

As Modi Govt. Gropes in the Dark, Courts have been Helping in Covid Crisis

“YOU are driving people into the jaws of death.” “You are painting a rosy picture, not in touch with ground reality.” “You should be booked on murder charges probably.” “What were you doing for the past 10-15 months?” “Are you living on Mars?”These are some of the observations of various high courts in India directed towards governments and other authorities in the past few weeks.

May Day 2021 – Working Class Fights for Defense Against Deadly Pandemic

Besides thousands of lives lost, working people are faced with a dark future as earnings dwindle and a hostile government tries to crush their voices.ON this May Day, working class of India is reeling under the brutal onslaught of the Covid-19 pandemic which has so far taken over lives in India and affected a staggering number of person since last year. While the deadly disease can affect anybody, it has had the most catastrophic effect on poorer sections of society.

Bill Gates, the White Man’s Burden and Modi Govt’s Vaccine Debacle

THE incompetence of the Modi government is starkly visible in its handling of the current crisis. It fares even worse on the vaccine front. Its belief in the ideology of free-market capitalism is that the market will magically produce whatever we need. This is why it starved the seven public sector vaccine manufacturing units (Down To Earth: COVID-19 vaccines: Waiting for advantage India, 17 April 2021) of any support. And, it also gave the public sector vaccine, Covaxin, developed by ICMR and National Institute of Virology, to a private company, Bharat Biotech.

Mouse Under the Throne: The Judicial Legacy of Sharad A. Bobde

As of this morning, Sharad Bobde is no longer be the Chief Justice of India.EVASION, hypocrisy and duplicity marked the 17 month tenure of the outgoing chief justice of India, with the central executive ending up favoured each time. On the date of his retirement, not one of the five constitutional matters pending had been substantively heard or decided.As on previous occasions when a CJI retires, I offer here an assessment of the legacy of the outgoing chief justice. In the case of chief justice, Bobde, this might seem a somewhat difficult task.

Revolutionary Cuba: Continuity and Change

THE spectacle of the whole world petrified by the Covid pandemic and of little Cuba confidently engaging with it has drawn the attention and admiration of humanity. Now Cuba is again in the news for the so-called ‘end’ of the ‘Çastro era,’ as the outcome of the 8th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba. The change of guard in the Cuban Party from the revolutionary heroes of the Cuban struggle from 1953 to 59 to the new generation of communists is indeed historic.

Failure of Vaccine Planning and Freedom to make Super Profits

THE powerful second wave of Covid infections across the country has invited sharp attention to the role of different instruments of policy in addressing the crisis. Global experience shows that expanded vaccination may help reduce the spread of infections and weaken the links between infections and death. Hence, countries are racing to vaccinate as large a share of their populations as they could in the shortest time span.India is a laggard in this race to vaccinate the population.


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