75th Anniversary of India’s Independence

Safeguard the Secular Democratic Republic: Intensify Struggles and Resistance

75TH anniversary of India’s independence, christened by the Modi government as Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, is being mounted as a big campaign focusing on the hoisting of the national flag in every home in the country. For this, the Flag Code of India was amended in December 2021 to permit flags from material other than natural cloth like khadi, cotton and silk to include polyester. Everyone knows who is the biggest polyester producer in the country.

Sixty Years of Independence: Advance Struggle for Democratic Transformation

THE country will celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of independence and look back with pride at the achievement of India becoming free from colonialism on August 15, 1947. Millions of people participated in the freedom struggle, which led to the first historic milestone in the decolonisation process ushered in after the defeat of fascism in the Second World War. Tens of thousands of people sacrificed their lives in the different phases of the freedom struggle.

Fifty Years of Independence and Calcutta AICC Session

Below we reproduce the article written by Comrade Harkishan Singh Surjeet published in People’s Democracy on the 50th anniversary of India’s Independence.THE AICC session at Calcutta from August 8 to 10, 1997 adopted, amongst others, Political Resolution, Economic Policy Resolution, International Resolution and a Golden Jubilee Resolution. This session being held on the eve of the Golden Jubilee of Indian independence provided an opportunity for remembering the sacrifices made in the course of the struggle for freedom.

40 Years of Independence

Below we reproduce the People’s Democracy editorial published on the 40th anniversary of India’s Independence.ON August 15, forty years ago, India attained political independence after 190 years of colonial rule. This momentous development came as a result of the heroic sacrifices that the people of this country had made during their long drawn-out liberation struggle. This was a significant achievement of the defeat of fascism, when world imperialism proved utterly incapable of contending with the rising upsurge of people of the colonial countries.

Strengthen Unity, Defend Gains, March Ahead!

Below we reproduce the People’s Democracy editorial published on the 20th anniversary of India’s Independence.Two decades of Congress rule since Independence are over; August 15 this year once more reminds the people that they have to rescue themselves and the country from the avaricious grip of Congress rule –the rule of the bourgeois-landlord clique.Twenty years of Congress misrule in the interests of the bourgeois-landlord clique has not only ruined the people, sowing starvation, famine and unemployment among them; it has created a serious danger to our economic and

Anti-Imperialist Struggle: Role of Communists and the left

In the run-up to the 75th Anniversary of India’s Independence, we publish a series of articles from the files of the People’s Democracy, which appeared on important anniversaries of independence. The first in the series is the article by Comrade P Ramachandran, then Polit Bureau member of the CPI(M) that appeared in the PD issue dated August 16, 1998. This article was written on the occasion of the Golden jubilee celebrations of our independence.THE role of the Left in the anti-imperialist movement in our country has been in focus for many years now.


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