
Venezuela: A Call for Peace

THE recent protests in Venezuela have made international headlines. Much of the foreign media coverage has distorted the reality of my country and the facts surrounding the events.
Venezuelans are proud of our democracy. We have built a participatory democratic movement from the grass roots that has ensured that both power and resources are equitably distributed among our people.

Chavez didn’t Die; He Multiplied

THE streets of Caracas and other cities in Venezuela were flooded with common people who had come out to solemnly observe the first death anniversary of Hugo Chavez on March 5. The small minority opposed to his legacy continued with its violent protests in scattered upper middle class areas of Caracas and a few cities. The presidents of Cuba and Bolivia, Raul Castro and Evo Morales respectively, had flown to Caracas to be personally present on the occasion of the late leader’s first death anniversary.

Venezuela: Another Coup Bid!

IT may not be a coincidence that there are simultaneous moves afoot in Asia, Europe and Latin America to remove democratically elected governments through unconstitutional means. The democratically elected president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovich, has been forced out of office by an unruly mob. The prime minister of Thailand, despite having got a renewed democratic mandate, is slowly but surely being removed by a creeping coup d’état.

Thailand: Political Impasse Continues

THE snap general elections held in Thailand in February took place without the bloodshed and violence that many had feared. On the eve of the elections, those intent on foiling the electoral process had opened fire on supporters of government who were mobilising to cast their votes. That incident has further undermined the credibility of the opposition which has managed to virtually paralysed Bangkok for the last three months.

Ukraine and Imperial Designs – II

IN the past few days, tensions in Ukraine have escalated, with Russia moving its troops for military exercises along the border with Ukraine. It vowed to protect the interests of Russian citizens living in the East and Southern regions of the country and naval forces stationed in Crimea. Reports indicate that Ukrainian naval chief had expressed his support to Russia, while Ukraine had called for 'popular mobilisation'.

Egyptians Observe Third Anniversary of ‘Revolution’

EGYPTIANS observed the third anniversary of their revolution on January 25 under fraught political circumstances. The last two years had witnessed volatile events, including the ouster of the long ruling authoritarian ruler Hosni Mubarak and also the first democratically elected president, Muhammad Morsi. Morsi’s ouster had come under controversial circumstances. The violence that followed and the concurrent heavy-handed response from the Egyptian security apparatus has left deep wounds on the Egyptian national psyche.

Ukraine and Imperial Designs

UKRAINE today is the laboratory for imperialist designs. The unrest and popular protests in Ukraine had forced the president of the country, Viktor F Yanukovych to flee. Armed with a warrant, search is on to arrest him. A case is also filed before the International Criminal Court to try him for war crimes – the police action against the protesters, which resulted in the death of more than hundred people. As is now becoming common, any popular protest that results in the ruler being ousted from power is called as a 'revolution' and in Ukraine it is called as an 'orange-brown revolution'.

In Solidarity with Venezuela

THE Venezuela Solidarity Committee denounces the ongoing attempts to destabilise the Bolivarian government of Venezuela. Right-wing opposition groups, supported by the rich oligarchs are openly inciting violence against the democratically elected government. The hand of the US is clearly visible in these events, as evidence emerged that some of the diplomatic officials stationed in the US embassy were in regular contact with the perpetrators of the opposition sponsored violence.

Cuba Condemns Attempted Coup in Venezuela

THE Republic of Cuba’s government strongly condemns the ongoing attempts to carry out a coup d’état against the constitutional government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the violent incidents organised by fascist groups which have caused deaths, dozens of injuries, attacks on public institutions, the burning of vehicles and destruction – as denounced before the world by President Nicolás Maduro Moros.


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