
South Korea: President Park in a Soup

A SCANDAL of humongous proportions has hit the South Korean president Park Gyeun-hye and plunged domestic politics into turmoil. The calls for the resignation of the South Korean president are getting louder by the day. Public support for her is now in single digits. The South Korean capital, Seoul has been witnessing huge protests since the scandal erupted in full force at the end of October. One of the biggest protest rallies the country has seen was held on November 12. People from all over the country congregated in Seoul demanding that the president immediately tender her resignation.

We Do Not Live in “Post Truth” World, We Live in a World of Lies & We Always Have

WE do not live in a “post-truth” world, neither in the Middle East nor in the West – nor in Russia, for that matter. We live in a world of lies. And we always have lived in a world of lies.Just take a look at the wreckage of the Middle East with its history of people’s popular republics and its hateful dictators. They feast on dishonesty, although they all – bar the late Muammar al-Gaddafi – demand regular elections to make-believe their way back to power.Now, I suppose, it is we who have regular elections based on lies. So maybe Trump and the Arab autocrats will get on rather well.

Afghanistan: 15 Years after the American Invasion

THIS year marks the 15th anniversary of the American invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. A decade and a half ago, America had invaded the country overthrowing the Taliban government in Kabul. It did not take much time for the American military to drive out the Taliban from the capital and other major Afghan cities with the help of the Northern Alliance and an assorted set of warlords. The Bush administration was quick to declare victory and wasted no time in preparing for the next invasion – that of Iraq in 2003.

Liberation of Aleppo

THE liberation of eastern Aleppo from the clutches of jihadi forces after a struggle lasting over four and a half years, signals the complete unraveling of the plot that was hatched to bring about regime change in Syria. It is “game over” for the west and its regional proxies in Syria. With the ouster of the rebels from the last remaining pockets of eastern Aleppo, the Syrian government now has complete control of all the major cities in the country.  President Bashar al Assad described the liberation of the entire city as a historic turning point.

Colombia Peace Process: On Track Again

THE rejection of the historic peace accord signed between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) in a referendum by a wafer thin majority had come as a shock to most Colombians and the international community. A referendum, which was not constitutionally mandated, was held just a few days after the two sides signed the permanent cease fire agreement with much fanfare in Havana on September 26. Opinion polls had shown overwhelming support for the agreement to end the war that has been going on for more than 50 years.

Fidel’s Enduring Lesson is that, Yes, It Is Possible

Below we publish remarks by Raúl Castro Ruz, first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee, and president of the Councils of state and ministers, during the political posthumous tribute to Comandante en Jefe of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, in Santiago de Cuba’s Plaza Mayor General Antonio Maceo Grajales on December 3, 2016, “Year 58 of the Revolution”.THIS afternoon, upon arrival to the heroic city, the funeral procession transporting Fidel’s ashes, which retraced in reverse the route of the Caravan of Liberty of 1959, and visited embl

Farewell to Fidel Castro

LAKHS of people paid homage to their dear and great leader during the journey of convoy from Havana to Santiago which carried the mortal remains of revolutionary genius Fidel Castro. In this sea of people, comrades who are holding responsibilities for the changes and reforms of Cuba were also seen. The distance between Havana and Santiago is 800 km.

Homage to Fidel Castro

THE whole of Havana and various Cubans from different parts of the country had joined in a huge memorial meeting to pay homage to Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz.  The memorial meeting was held at the Plaza de la Revolucion “Jose Marti”.  23 heads of States/ governments, vice presidents from six countries, 13 former presidents/prime ministers, four parliamentary delegations led by the speaker/chairperson and 16 ministerial delegations had arrived to participate in this memorial meeting.  The meeting was held on November 29, barely 72 hours after Comrade Fidel Castro was cremated.  Comrade Fidel


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