Current Issues

Shabbirpur Victims Accompanied by CPI(M) Leaders Meet President

CPI(M) Polit Bureau members Brinda Karat and Subhashini Ali along with the affected dalit families from the Shabbirpur village in Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh met the president of India on May 17, 2017, and handed over a memorandum.  The president gave the delegation a very sympathetic hearing and expressed his anguish.  He said that he would do whatever was in his power to ensure justice to the dalits of Shabbirpur.  The memorandum gives the details of the violence perpetrated on the dalits in the village.On April 14, 2017, the dalits of this village had wished to install a statue of Dr Ambed

Belt and Road Initiative: Blinkered View of Government

INDIA has isolated itself by not participating in the Belt and Road Forum held in Beijing on May 14-15. To justify its non-participation, the Modi government has questioned the motives behind the One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative taken by China which is linking countries and regions representing 60 per cent of the world’s population and 30 per cent of the global GDP. China launched this initiative in 2013 with the aim of reincarnating the old silk road in a contemporary form.

MAHARASHTRA: Pune Party Office Receives Parcel Bomb, Threat

THE CPI(M) office in Pune, Maharashtra,  received a parcel containing an explosive device, a battery and wires on April 26, delivered by a private  courier service. It was also accompanied by a letter, obviously containing a message of dire consequences to the Party workers for working as Communists. A complaint has been registered with the Maharashtra Police, which has not been able to apprehend the culprits so far.The Parcel was addressed to Ajit Abhyankar a senior Party state secretariat member, CITU leader and a prominent intellectual.

LETTER: ‘EVMs to be used in Tripura elections must be linked with VVPAT’

THE president of the Tripura unit of BJP, Biplab Deb, has in a public meeting, cast aspersions on the objectivity and fairness of the electronic voting machines and dared the chief minister of Tripura to lodge a complaint against him. This comes in the background of the widespread apprehensions about EVMs. CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury has written a letter to the chief election commissioner on April 15, demanding among other things that in elections in Tripura, EVMs  with voter-verified paper audit trail (VVPAT) should be used.

On Incidents in Kashmir

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on April 15.THE Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) expresses its deep outrage over reports of a Kashmiri youth being tied on a jeep belonging to central security forces ostensibly to be used as a shield against stone-pelters.

Bhoomi Adhikar Andolan Demands Justice for Pehlu Khan’s Family

THE Bhoomi Adhikar Andolan organised a day long protest dharna at Jantar Mantar demanding justice for the family of Pehlu Khan killed by so-called "gau-rakshaks" under the patronage of RSS.A cheque of Rs Three lakh from Kisan Sabha was handed over on behalf of all present by Hannan Mollah, to his mother Angoori Begum and another Rs 50,000 to a seriously injured Ajmat.The protest was addressed by AIKS general secretary, Hannan Mollah, CPI(M)  Polit Bureau members Brinda Karat and Subhashini Ali, CPI national secretary, D Raja, CPI(ML) general secretary Dipankar Bhattacharya, AIKS (Ajoy Bhava

Srinagar Bye Election

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on April 10, 2017 THE miserably low turnout in the bye elections to the Srinagar parliamentary seat in the state of Jammu & Kashmir reduces the electoral process to a total farce. Further, it displays the deep degree of alienation of the people in the state of Jammu & Kashmir. The 7.14 percent turn-out in these elections is the lowest ever recorded in any Lok Sabha polls in the state.The issue of our country’s internal security and sovereignty is non-negotiable.

CPI (M) Delegation Visits Behror

A CPI(M) delegation comprising of Subhashini Ali, Polit Bureau member, Badaruddoza Khan, Lok Sabha MP from West Bengal, Shankar Prasad Dutta, Lok Sabha MP from Tripura, Amra Ram,     CPI(M) Rajasthan secretary, Sumitra Chopra, Raeesa, Guru Charan Singh Mor, CPI(M) Rajasthan state leaders visited Behror, the place where ghastly attack of so-called gau rakshaks on peasants from Haryana engaged in milk production took place on April 1 in which one of them, Pahlu Khan, was brutally murdered.The delegation first visited the police station of that place and met deputy SP Parmal who is the investi

UTTAR PRADESH: Farming Communities, Meat Trade & Tannery Industry Face Attack

INDIA is one of the largest meat producers and meat exporters of the world.  The most populous state of the country, Uttar Pradesh, is responsible for about 60 percent of this trade.  In the last two years, due to the vigilantism of  ‘cow protection groups’ and the fear they generated, the trade, farming communities and the tannery industry have all been adversely affected.With the accession to power of Yogi Adityanath, the new BJP chief minister, all three – the meat trade, farming communities and the tannery industry – are facing an attack that is threatening their very existence.Those in


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