Current Issues

Struggle against Eviction in Narmada Valley

IN a statement issued on August 4, Sitaram Yechury, general secretary of CPI(M) has said that an extraordinary circumstance has arisen due to the inhuman decision of the Madhya Pradesh government to implement the Narmada Valley authorities’ decision to close the gates of the Sardar Sarovar dam which will lead to submergence of 192 villages and eviction of 40,000 families in Madhya Pradesh.  There was an agreement that before closing the gate, rehabilitation work should be completed.  The Supreme Court upheld this decision.

Political Killings in Kerala: An Open Letter to Arun Jaitley

Below we publish an open letter written by MB Rajesh, CPI(M) MP from Kerala to Arun Jaitley, union minister for finance and defense, on August 6. RESPECTED Arun Jaitley,I appreciate the fact that despite being a senior cabinet minister, in charge of two very important portfolios – finance and defense – you have taken the pain to travel to the southern tip of our country.

Sardar Sarovar Dam: First Complete Rehabilitation

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statements on August 1 DRAWING a wrong interpretation from the Supreme Court decision, the gates of Sardar Sarovar Dam have been closed. The Supreme Court decision had clearly stated that only after proper rehabilitation of the dam-affected was done and after the affected had been given compensation, could they be removed after July 31.Arrangements for more than 40,000 families of the affected have not been completed. Peasants have not got any compensation.

Military Veterans to Modi: ‘Dissent is Not Treason… It is the Essence of Democracy’

A group of 114 veterans of the Indian Armed Forces have written an open letter to the prime minister, chief ministers of states and lieutenant-governors of union territories, expressing their distress at “divisive” recent developments in the country which “go against the secular and democratic values enshrined in the constitution”. The letter is reproduced below.WE are a group of veterans of the Indian Armed Forces who have spent our careers working for the security of our country.

CPI(M) Nationwide Campaign from August 15-31

Demands: ·       Loan waivers for the kisans·       MSP at one and a half times the production costs  and a central legislation ensuring this·       Implement BJP’s electoral promise of creating two crore jobs every year.·       Stop the large-scale privatisation of public sector and public services.·       Immediately legislate the Women’s Reservation Bill as promised by the BJP in 2014 elections. ·        Conduct anti-communalism programmes all over the country during the month of  September·       Protesting against the growing attacks on dalits and Muslims, campaign for

Peasant Leaders Call for District Rallies, Jail Bharo on August 9

THE coordination committee of Bhumi Adhikar Andolan which met in New Delhi has decided to intensify the ongoing farmers struggle and called up on the peasantry to participate in large numbers in the district rally, jail bharo programme across the country on August 9.This will be the largest action as part of the ongoing farmers struggle and will be organised in all the states in the country. BAA has requested active support of central trade unions to make the strike action a success. Peasantry, working class and all other sections of the toiling mass will attend the protest rally.

Exhibition on ‘Women Freedom Fighters of the Left’ Evokes Good Response

AN exhibition titled ‘Women Freedom Fighters of the Left’ ​ ​was inaugurated this morning by Subhashini Ali, vice president of AIDWA at the Constitution Club, New Delhi. ​Over two hundred women from different parts of Delhi and NCR participated in the meeting.On July 23 every year, AIDWA pays its homage to the memory of Captain Lakshmi Sehgal, one of its founding leaders.

Convene Tripartite Meeting to Discuss Darjeeling Situation

IN a letter written on July 13 CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury has requested home minister, Rajanth Singh to urgently convene a tripartite meeting to discuss the situation in Darjeeling. He said a very grave situation has arisen in the hill areas of Darjeeling and Kalimpong districts in the state of West Bengal. Since July 8, eight people have died so far and many injured in police firing on protesters agitating against the state government’s announcement of making Bengali a mandatory language.

CITU Working Committee Meeting, Shimla: Resolution on GST

THE working committee meeting of CITU, held from July 14-16, at Shimla notes with serious concern the grievous impact of the GST launched by the government of India with much fanfare on July 1, 2017. The GST has adversely impacted the common people at large, particularly the workers in the unorganised sector, people engaged in small and decentralised manufacturing like tailoring, garments, textile, beedi, small drug manufacturing, construction, matches and fireworks and passenger and goods transport etc and also small traders. Even the insurance premium is not spared from high taxation.


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