Current Issues

Reception Committee for the CPI(M) 22nd Congress Formed

A meeting for the formation of the reception committee for the 22nd Party Congress was held in Hyderabad on November 2. Tammineni Veerabhadram, state secretary of the Party, presided over the meeting which was addressed by Sitaram Yechury, general secretary of the Party, B V Raghavulu, Polit Bureau member, P Madhu, state secretary of the AP Committee of the Party, among others.

Public Censure

The Central Committee of the CPI(M) issued the following statement on October 25THE Central Committee of Communist Party of India (Marxist) in its meeting held on October 14-16, 2017 expressed its strong disapproval of certain remarks made by Gautam Deb, member of the Central Committee, to a Bengali television channel which were damaging to the Party.  Gautam Deb accepted his mistake and expressed regret.The Central Committee publicly censured Gautam Deb and warned him to desist from making such remarks.

First Anniversary of Demonetisation: Left Parties Call for Protest Day on Nov 8

The Left parties – Communist Party of India (Marxist), Communist Party of India, All India Forward Bloc, Revolutionary Socialist Party, Communist Party of India (ML- Liberation) and Socialist Unity Centre of India (Communist) – have issued the following statement on October 25.NATIONWIDE PROTEST ON THE FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF DEMONETISATIONTHE Left Parties express their concern at the overall deteriorating conditions in the country and large scale attacks on the people.

CPI(M) Congratulates Xi Jinping

ON behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), Sitaram Yechury, general secretary of the CPI(M) has conveyed warm revolutionary greetings to Xi Jinping on his re-election as the general secretary of the Communist Party of China in the just concluded 19th CPC Congress.In a message sent on October 25, Yechury said that the CPC’s 19th Congress has taken very important landmark decisions to boost the confidence of all Chinese people in the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics.The theory of “Four Comprehensives” – a four-pronge

Announcement of Election Schedule

CPI(M)  Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on October 13, 2017IT is strange that the Election Commission has announced the date of election for Himachal Pradesh assembly while withholding the announcement of date for Gujarat assembly elections. Usually when elections are due within a period of six months, these states are combined and a joint announcement used to be made. This has been the practice followed so far. The model code of conduct is now enforced for Himachal Pradesh but not for Gujarat.  The chief election commissioner has announced that the Gujarat polls wi

CPI(M) Greets Communist Party China on its 19th National Congress

Below we publish the message of greetings sent by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, held from October 18 in Beijing.DEAR Comrades,The Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) conveys its warm fraternal greetings to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.This 19th Congress will review the party’s work over the past five years and summarize precious experiences that the party has gained from the historical process of uniting and leading people of all ethnic group

Hypocrisy of Fight against Corruption

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on September 26AT the BJP’s national executive, the prime minister thundered that “there would be no compromise or leniency on corruption”.The CPI(M)’s position on fighting growing political corruption is well-known, both in its conduct and its concrete proposals to end this scourge.The hypocrisy of the prime minister and the BJP government lies in the fact that while they are pursuing corruption cases against leaders of the opposition, this government in these three years has not even implemented the law enact

On Expulsion of Ritabrata Bandopadhyay

Below we publish the statement issued by Surjya Kanta Mishra, Polit Bureau member and secretary of West Bengal state committee of CPI(M), on September 17.RITABRATA Bandopadhyay has been expelled from the primary membership of the Party under clause 19(13) of the Constitution for grave anti-party activities.Ritabrata Bandopadhyay has been cautioned publicly by Party state committee in last February for breaking the Party discipline. He was asked to rectify himself and refrain from misusing social media.

US Threat to North Korea

CPI(M)  Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on September 20. THE Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) strongly condemns the US threat to exterminate Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea). President Donald Trump thundered, in his address to the UN General Assembly, that he would “totally destroy” North Korea. USA is the only country in the world that had used atomic weapons to destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


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