
Natak Jari Hai

TWENTY Six years have elapsed since Safdar Hashmi was felled, while in performance, to the blows of the assassins. The play being performed was Halla Bol, in support of workers' demand of minimum wages. JANAM (Jana Natya Manch) came back to the site of the attack to complete the performance of the play on January 4 that year. On January 1, 1990, Janam performed a play here Natak Jari Hai, The play is going on. Indeed the show must go on, the show is going on.

Predatory Capitalism Leading to Regional Wars: Yechury

THE centenary of the end of the First World War being observed across the globe was described at that time as the “end of the war to end all wars”. A century later, the world is still witnessing many regional wars chiefly caused by the unjust `capitalist illogic’ that perpetrated two world wars in the 20th century. First World War gave birth to many wars.

Contextualising Cultural Praxis - II

Below are the excerpts of the Safdar Hashmi Memorial Lecture delivered by Sitaram Yechury on November 22, 2014. The memorial lecture was organised by the Jana Natya Manch.


This hegemony of the `ideas' of ruling classes, as Gramsci explains, is not enforced merely by the State.The State is only the "outer ditch" behind which stands a powerful system of "fortresses and earth works", a network of cultural institutions and values which buttress the rule and domination of the ruling classes.

125th Birth Anniversary Celebrations Of Jawaharlal Nehru by SAHMAT

TO mark the 125TH birth anniversary of Jawaharlal Nehru, Safdar Hashmi Memorial Trust (SAHMAT), in association with India International Centre, has organised a series of lectures by eminent personalities on the theme ‘Indian Modern and Nehru’. The first of these talks was held on 22 November 2014. The talk was delivered by eminent historian Professor Irfan Habib. He spoke on ‘Jawaharlal Nehru and Indian National Movement’. The talk, which was chaired Professor Mushirul Hasan, was attended by a large number of people from various walks of life.

DUJ Condoles UR Ananthamurthy

THE Delhi Union of Journalists paid glowing tributes to the memory of renowned writer and social activist UR Ananthamurthy. In a resolution adopted at a meeting of its office bearers held on August 27 the DUJ noted that the writer had made a big impact on Indian literature through his socially relevant writings.The DUJ resolution observed that Shri Udupi Rajagopalacharya Ananthamurthy was a towering figure, who through his literary works questioned many deeply-held beliefs.

A Truly Phenomenal Woman

DR MAYA Angelou, the celebrated poet, writer, singer, and actress died at her home in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, in the United States on May 28, 2014. She was 86. The literary giant, most known for her autobiography, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, and Phenomenal Woman, a collection of poems, was one of the foremost African-American writers and thinkers of our times and one of the first black women in the United States to enjoy mainstream literary success.


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