Agrarian Issues

AIKS Flays India’s Abject Surrender

THROUGH a statement issued from New Delhi on December 7, 2013 by its president, Amra Ram, and general secretary, Hannan Mollah, the All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) has flayed the abject surrender at the WTO ministerial by the commerce minister of the government of India. The organisation has demanded that the government refrain from accepting the provisions of the unequal ministerial decision on public stockholding for food security purposes without discussion with and approval of the Indian states and parliament.

Free Market Policy Leads to Sugar Crisis

THROUGH a statement issued from New Delhi on November 30, 2013, the All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) strongly demanded that the UPA government take immediate steps to resolve the ongoing sugar crisis prevailing in the sugar producing states.
In this regard the AIKS has suggested some immediate measures which it said the government must take;

1) Reverse the implementation of Rangarajan committee recommendations.

2) Enhance the import tax on sugar to 40 percent from the current 15 percent in order to arrest the cheap import of sugar by traders and refineries.

This Week in Parliament

TO this concluding week of parliament session the government came with a number of bills in both houses, keeping in view the forthcoming election. The food security bill, already passed in Lok Sabha, was taken up in Rajya Sabha on September 2.

On September 3 the prime minister made a statement in Rajya Sabha on the investigation of coal block allocations by the CBI. There was a hue and cry in the house on the issue of missing files, with Sitaram Yechury, leader of CPI(M) group in the house, suggesting that the government must procure the files from the CAG and also file an FIR.

Historic Kolkata Peace Rally Protests against US Imperialism Says No to War on Syria

Historic Kolkata Peace Rally
Protests against US Imperialism
Says No to War on Syria
THE entire state of West Bengal came out on the streets in lakhs on September 1 to protest against all forms of imperialist occupations in the world. The rallies expressed anger against imperialist depredations and the neo-liberal economic policies being pursued by the ruling opportunist powers.

AIAWU to Run All-India Campaign, Jun-Sept

HELD in Navi Mumbai on June 8-9, 2013, the working committee meeting of All India Agricultural Workers Union (AIAWU) was attended by M V Govindan Master, S Thirunavakkarassu and B Venkat (vice presidents), A Vijayaraghavan (general secretary), Suneet Chopra, Hannan Mollah and Kumar Shiralkar (joint secretaries), C T Krishnan, T Chathu, A Padmanabhan and K Komalakumari (Kerala), M Venkateswarlu and N Ilaiah (Andhra Pradesh), G Mani (Tamilnadu), Prakash Choudhary, Baba Saheb Sarvade (Maharashtra), Gurmesh Singh (Punjab), Ambika Prasad Misra and Brijlal Bharti (Uttar Pradesh), Bhola Prasad Di


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