THE state conference of CITU Telangana committee was held successfully at Comrade Mallu Swarajyam Nagar in Siddhipet from December 21-23, 2022. Thousands of workers participated in a rally held from Zilla Parishad High School to Comrade Sunnam Rajaiah meeting ground in the city ahead of the public meeting on the last day of the conference.
Sivan Kutty, Kerala state labour and education minister, attended the public meeting as the chief guest and CITU central leaders Tapan Sen, Hemalata and M Saibabu participated.
On December 21, veteran leader P Raja Rao hoisted the CITU flag to mark the opening of the conference. CITU national president, Hemalata and general secretary, Tapan Sen led others in offering floral tributes to the martyrs column.
CITU state president Chukka Ramulu presided over the inaugural session. CITU secretary Bhupal presented the condolence resolution. RD Chandrasekhar (INTUC), Rebba Rama Rao (HMS), G Rambabu Yadav (TRSKV), Venkat Ramana (TNTUC), V Nageswar Rao (Central Government Employees Confederation) and other leaders from different labour unions gave solidarity greetings to the CITU. AITUC had informed that they were unable to participate, due to their all India conference.
Hemalata, in her address, said that the anti-labour policies being followed by the central BJP government has led to the oppression of the downtrodden. The four anti-worker labour codes have imposed heavy burdens on the workers and have snatched away the rights of the labour, she said. Explaining the communal divisive politics of the RSS’ Hindutva ideology and its danger to the unity of the people, Hemalata urged the delegates to prepare for intensified struggles in the future.
CITU state vice president S Veeraiah proposed a resolution on the need for united struggles and elaborated on the issues faced by the working class in the state. The leaders of the fraternal trade unions supported this resolution.
The efforts of CITU in waging struggles to protect the rights of the working class amid the complex political situation in the state and the centre were appreciated.
Tapan Sen addressing the CITU conference underlined the need to give priority to solving the issues faced by the working class at the shop-floor level, and it was unanimously passed. He also spoke about the strengths and weaknesses of the union at the state-level.
Paladugu Bhaskar presented a report on the struggles and agitations waged by the union, the political organisational efforts and the experiences faced by it in the last three years. 34 comrades from the districts and 22 comrades from state unions/ federations participated in the discussions, for nearly six hours, on the general secretary’s report. The local struggles and experiences of the union members at the district level were brought to the attention of the conference during the discussion.
Leaders of fraternal mass organisations also greeted the conference.
As many as 518 delegates out of the 533 selected, attended the conference. Ten delegates from middle-class organisations attended as solidarity delegates. Five senior comrades were invited but they could not attend.
The conference elected a council with 161 members, working committee with 126 members and 26 office bearers ( co-option one woman). Chukka Ramulu, Paladugu Bhaskar and Vanguru Ramulu were unanimous elected as president, general secretary and treasurer of the state committee.
On the last day of the conference, a rally was held with thousands of workers , which was presided over by Chukka Ramulu. The key address was given by the chief guest, Sivan Kutty, Kerala labour and education minister. Tapan Sen, Hemalata, M Saibabu, Paladugu Bhaskar, SV Rama, and P Jayalaxmi also spoke at the public meeting.
An extensive campaign was conducted in the districts in the form of leaflets, meetings and group meetings etc, to mobilise people for the public meeting that was held successfully.