CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on June 25
THE devastating floods in Assam have taken a heavy toll of human life and property in both the Brahmaputra valley and the Barak valley. Over 60 lakh people in 32 out of the 35 districts are battling for survival. Over a hundred have unfortunately lost their lives. Over 1.08 lakh hectares of crop land have submerged and over 2000 kms of roads have been badly damaged. Thousands of livestock perished.
The BJP led governments, both union and the state have miserably failed to tackle the flood situation. Both the governments are more preoccupied with horse-trading hosting Maharashtra MLAs to destabilise the Maharashtra state government.
Consequently, rescue operations, provision of relief and distribution of food, provision of drinking water, medicines and health workers are in doldrums. Neither the PM nor any cabinet minister visited the flood ravaged state to take stock of the situation and provide the needed relief and assistance. This is utterly callous.
The Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) calls for immediate provision of relief to the suffering people. Arrangements for food and proper facilities in the relief camps must be ensured. Serious efforts must be made by the state government for the rehabilitation of all those who have lost their dwellings and properties.
The Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) calls for voluntary donations of funds for relief work in Assam.