April 24, 2022

Messages of Greetings Expressing International Solidarity

Below we publish the messages of greetings received from the Communist Parties of China, Cuba, Vietnam, Korea, and Laos

Communist Party of China

DEAR Comrades,

Delighted to learn that the Communist Party of India (Marxist) will convene its 23rd National Congress, the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China wishes to extend to you our warm congratulations. 

With a history of over 100 years, the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has been an important player in the political arena of India long committed to exploring a path to socialism compatible with the actual conditions.  We believe that the forthcoming National Congress will lead the Communist Party of India (Marxist) to make bigger contribution to the economic development and social progress of India.

The Communist Party of China maintains close and friendly interactions with the Communist Party of India (Marxist), which has played a positive role in enhancing the friendship and mutual trust between our countries and two peoples. The Communist Party of China stands ready to further deepen exchanges and cooperation with the Communist Party of India (Marxist) through the sharing and mutual learning of governance experience, as well as the strengthening of communication and collaboration on the development of relations between our two countries and on regional and international issues of mutual interest, thus making active efforts to build a new type of party-to-party relations that seeks to expand common ground while reserving differences and enhances mutual respect and mutual learning, injecting more positive energy into the promotion of sound and steady development of bilateral relations and working together to bring out even greater vigour of Marxism in the 21st century.

We wish the forthcoming Congress a complete success!


International Department

Central Committee

Communist Party of China


Communist Party of Cuba


ON behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, kindly receive fraternal greetings on the occasion of the celebration of the 23rd Congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist).

CPI(M) has always been at the forefront of the revolutionary struggle of the working class, defending the banners of Socialism and proletarian internationalism.

The Cuban people never forget the endearing and militant solidarity of the CPI(M) and the Indian people in the hardest moments of the special period and their permanent accompaniment to Cuba in the fight against the genocidal economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States, intensified by the Trump administration and which is maintained, opportunistically, by the Biden administration, even in the midst of the complex circumstances imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Several generations of CPI(M) leaders have cultivated excellent ties that unite our two parties and peoples, a fact that motivates us to transmit this special relationship to present and future generations.

At present, Yankee imperialism and its allies use new ways and methods to manipulate reality and subvert the internal order of nations, in favour of the interests of the ruling classes, with the aim of promoting their policies of regime change and domination at the global level.

In the face of these realities, unity in the diversity of the communist parties, together with the workers and social movements, is the strategy of struggle for a better world; for truth, justice, solidarity and in defense of the just and noble causes of the peoples against the hegemony of Yankee imperialism.

As reaffirmed by the 8th Congress of the PCC, we ratify to the leaders and militants of the CPI(M) that Cuba, its Communist Party and our heroic people, remain firm, resisting and actively confronting imperialist aggressions, sure of victory; following the legacy of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, the teachings of Army General Raúl Castro Ruz and with the continuing generation headed by Comrade Miguel Díaz - Canel Bermúdez, first secretary of the Central Committee of the PCC and president of the republic; and dedicated to building an independent, sovereign, democratic, socialist, prosperous and sustainable nation.

We reiterate the will to continue to strengthen bilateral relations, political dialogue and cooperation between our parties. We wish you all every success in the debates and deliberations of the Congress.

Long live the friendship and solidarity between the PCC and the CPI(M)!


Central Committee

Communist Party of Cuba


Communist Party of Vietnam

DEAR comrades,

On the occasion of the 23rd Congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), on behalf of the communists and the people of Vietnam, we would like to extend the warmest congratulations to the congress and all members of the Communist Party of India (Marxist).

We are delighted to note that in the past years, despite numerous difficulties and challenges, the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has always been consistent in Marxism-Leninism, pioneered in the struggle for the rights and interests of the Indian workers, peasants and toiling mass, and championed the solidarity of the Left, democratic and progressive forces in India.

Particularly, we would like to convey the heartiest congratulations on the resounding victory of the Left Democratic Front headed by CPI(M) in Kerala state assembly election later last year.  Your Party’s re-election vividly reflected the overwhelming support and strong confidence of the voters to CPI(M)’s progressive and pro-people development agenda, which has placed Kerala among the top states in India with highest GSDP growth and human development.

We firmly believe your party will certainly record greater achievements, successfully realise the resolutions adopted by the 23rd Congress, thus solidly consolidating and promoting the Party’s position and influence in Indian political arena.

May the solidarity, friendship and cooperation between our two parties and the two peoples of Vietnam and India be further strengthened and vigorously developed.

Wish the upcoming 23rd Congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) be crowned with fine success.

Fraternal greetings,

Central Committee

Communist Party of Vietnam

Workers’ Party of Korea

THE Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea warmly congratulates the 23rd Congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) and extends comradely greetings to the whole members of your Party through the Congress.

We are sure that this Congress will be a significant occasion in the activities of your Party to further strengthen the Party and firmly consolidate mass foundation.

We take this opportunity to sincerely wish you great success in your Party Congress, expressing our conviction that traditional relations of friendship between our two parties would further strengthen and develop in future.




Central Committee

Workers’ Party of Korea

Lao People's Revolutionary Party

DEAR Comrades,

On the occasion of the opening of the 23rd Congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), on behalf of the Central Committee of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, party members and the entire Lao people, we would like to convey our best wishes and warmest congratulations to the Congress and through this Congress to all members of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) and entire Indian People.

The 23rd Congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) being held during the Covid-19 pandemic period as well as the current regional and international difficulties, is an important political event for the whole party and also indicates the unstoppable growth of the party. We are confident that the resolutions and all documents adopted by the Congress will be the guidelines for your party's future movements in order to bring prosperity to the people of India and contribute significantly to the cause of building peace, friendship and cooperation for development in the region and the world.

We wish the 23rd Congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) brilliant success.

May the friendly relationship between the Lao People's Revolutionary Party and the Communist Party of India (Marxist) be further developed for the benefit of Lao and Indian people.


Central Committee

Lao People's Revolutionary Party