Arupratan Sarma
ON the occasion of the 23rd CPI(M) state conference, for the first time since the BJP-IPFT tyrannical and repressive four-year rule, the people of the state witnessed a mammoth red wave at Vivekananda Stadium, in Agartala city on February 24. It was an overwhelming surge of Left people waving red flags as if they are freed of long time confinement. The people, who have been thrashed, gagged, robbed of democratic rights and livelihoods during last four years and pushed their back to the wall for the last 47 months ‘misrule’ of the BJP-IPFT coalition government in the state, have virtually painted the city red on this day. The mammoth crowd declared their commitment to a do-or-die fight against the fascistic rule and terror unleashed by the anti-people government.
No. It was not a cake walk to hold this rally without shedding blood. The ruling party miscreants left no stone unturned to prevent the people from converging at the meeting ground. The houses of Party leaders and workers were attacked, ransacked and looted, and the miscreants resorted to physical assault on whomever they found on the way to rally ground. Bus syndicates were ordered not to transport people intending to attend rally. Even the people waiting at the rail stations were attacked to stop them from attending the rally. In Khowai, the vehicle owners refused to ply vehicles on the day because of threats posed by the BJP miscreants. Braving all such barriers, people thronged the city from all corners of the state to make the rally a historical one. By 11.30 am, city roads were entirely occupied by red-flag waving people. By 12.15 pm, the rally ground was full to its capacity. The galleries were jam packed, and the ground was totally occupied. People waited patiently for the meeting to start, braving the hot sunshine. Even then, large processions were arriving at the venue from different sides. A large number of people had to stand on the adjoining roads, and listen to the speeches.
The open rally started at 12.23 pm with Aghore Debbarma, veteran leader of the Party and Central Committee member, chairing the public meeting. On the dais were CPI (M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury, Polit Bureau members Prakash Karat and Manik Sarkar, CPI (M) state secretary Jitendra Chaudhury and other leaders. The meeting started with opening songs presented by the artists of Tripura Sanskriti Samannay Kendra.
In his speech, CPI (M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury saluted the fighting spirit of the people that they have exhibited against the terror tactics of the ruling combine. Narrating the despotic attacks perpetrated by the ruling BJP miscreants getting patronage from the BJP leaders and a section of police, Sitaram Yechury said, the ruling party thought that by doing so they would be able to annihilate the Left forces in the state. But Tripura has a rich history of people’s movement, starting from the days of monarchy. It is impossible to destroy the red flag; rather it will come up with renewed vigor, as is evident from today’s mammoth rally.
He also lashed out at the central government for its anti-people policies and programmes. In the name of privatisation and disinvestment, national assets are being sold to crony capitalists. Airports, sea ports, telecom, petro resources, banks, insurance, everything in this country is up for sale. He commented that the people are actual owners of the public assets and the prime minister and the government are nothing but managers to look after those assets. If the manager does not serve the interests of its owner, he should be changed at once. He asked the people of the state to unite and build up the strongest possible resistance against the regime of tyranny.
To protect democracy, secularism and the constitution, the democratic and secular forces must form a united forum, in which the Left forces, particularly the CPI (M) has to take up the most important role, commented Polit Bureau member Prakash Karat. He told that after the BJP assumed power, our democratic rights, ideals of secularism and federalism, and the very constitution is under attack. People voicing dissent were booked under sedition laws by the government. Organisations like the CBI, ED, and Income Tax are being rampantly misused by the government to serve the political interests of the BJP. In the fight for restoration of democracy, Left forces and particularly the CPI(M) has to play an important role. Modi government has been implementing the communal agenda of the RSS-BJP with an ultimate aim of establishing a Hindu Rashtra. Besides this, the government has led the country to an unprecedented economic crisis. Employment has reached lowest levels with a high inflation rate. To make the things worse, high rates of tax on petro products have resulted in extreme distress to the common people. The state too has experienced the suffocating misrule of the BJP-IPFT combine. All democratic people must unite now to fight against the fascistic forces, Karat suggested.
CPI(M) Polit Bureau member Manik Sarkar called for building up an invincible barricade of resistance. He congratulated the huge crowd for their defiance of the terror tactics unleashed by the goons of the ruling party to come to the rally ground. He made it clear that there is no alternative to building up a united resistance. The government has let loose an all-out attack on the economic front. There is no work, no food and no employment for people. Conditions have become so miserable that poor parents are compelled to sell their dearest children, only to get some money, so that they can survive. BJP-IPFT combine has brought the state to such a condition where the constitution of the country just ceased to be enforced.
CPI(M) state secretary Jitendra Chaudhury asked the people to take a vow to free the state and its people from the dooms of darkness. He told that the huge crowd present in the ground contains not only the Party workers and sympathizers, but also people who stand for democracy and for peace. In the present situation people of the state have got a responsibility to restore rule of law.
The call for restoration of democracy was also echoed in the speech of Aghore Debbarma. He told that the fight for freeing the state from the anti-people fascistic forces should be intensified. It is now a do-or-die situation for the common people of the state.
Every speaker was greeted by the enthusiastic crowd with spirited cheers. They dispersed with a boost in confidence after the rally was over.