Countrywide Protest against Atrocities on Dalits, Women & Socially Backward Sections on Oct 13
Below we publish the statement issued by CITU, AIKS and AIAWU on October 7
THE increase in atrocities against marginalised sections of society, gang rapes and mob lynching are integrally linked to the government project of marginalisation of dalits and oppressed sections under the crisis-ridden neoliberal order. The reverse land reforms and privatisation and continuing all round loss of jobs and livelihoods especially under the BJP ruled states in the recent period and the increased assertion and struggles of the oppressed sections for their rights has made the ruling classes, with the help of caste Hindutva forces consolidate the landlord-rural rich nexus which serves the corporates. Under neoliberal Hindutva regime, the exploitation of the working people and the oppression of any assertion will manifest as caste/gender oppression in our country especially in the countryside. It is of utmost importance that we take up every such issue of caste/gender oppression as an integral part of our joint struggle against the neoliberal policies and the capitalist landlord classes.
The constitutional rights of the dalits are being violated by the ruling party. The Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 was not fully implemented by the earlier governments but BJP government is not only diluting it but is patronising the criminals which is leading to the increasing number of attacks on dalits.
There have been spontaneous protests all over the country by all democratic sections of the society. Many of our units have organised protests against Hathras rape and murder case in most of the states in numerous locations. As part of the continuous struggles against these oppressions a joint meeting of CITU, AIKS and AIAWU decided to take up massive campaign and nationwide protest against the atrocities on dalits, women and socially backward sections on October 13 demanding:
1. Time bound effective enquiry of Hathras case under supervision of Supreme Court
2. Strict punishment to the police officers and other officials for dereliction of their duty
3. Ensure safety to the family of the girl
4. Justice to the victims of all such cases including Unnao, Balrampur and other places
5. Ensure implementation of Justice Verma Committee recommendations
6. Land and housing to the landless
7. Ensure jobs and minimum wages to all
8. Strict implementation of laws on reservation, on atrocities against dalits and violence against women
Units of CITU, AIKS and AIAWU will organise joint protests at local/workplace/village levels on October 13.