January 03, 2016

Million-Strong Brigade Sounds Battle Cry

COURAGE, Determination, Resistance, Confidence and Life. All summed up in one word: Brigade.

Brigade Parade Ground, the largest maidan in Kolkata, is witness to many historic mobilisations through decades. Some of them have become part of the memory of the people of Bengal. On December 27, it recorded a sea of humanity which was not only spectacular in size but also incomparable in mood. More than a million people converged in the rally at the call of CPI(M), braving all odds in their life and livelihood.  

The rally, organised on the occasion of CPI(M)’s Kolkata Plenum, reflected the temper of resistance to the terror regime of  the TMC, the valor to challenge that regime, and the unwavering trust in the Red flag.

Thousands began to reach Kolkata from the day before and spent the shivering night in a makeshift camp on the ground itself. As the first rays of sun touched, streams of people from far-flung rural areas reached Brigade. Nearly an hour before the rally, it was evident that Brigade would fail to give space to all.

Who were not there? Tea workers, savaged by countless starvation deaths in gardens; poor peasants, reeling under distress sale of paddy; jute workers, facing uncertainty over successive closure of mills; tribals, deprived of work in rural areas; teachers, annoyed with anarchy in educational institutions; women, living under the shadow of violence in the “rape-regime”; minorities, cheated by false promises. But the most prominent presence was that of the youth. Tens of thousands of them joined in the rally, shattering the illusion that the youth were no more with Left parties. They were seen shouting slogans enthusiastically and responding to calls from the speakers. It was a spring at Brigade in the winter.

Surjyakanta Mishra, West Bengal state secretary, summed up the scene of this magnificent show, when he said there was only one place bigger than Brigade – the minds and hearts of people. He called upon Left workers to reach and fill those hearts in the coming days.

A Battle to Win

Polit Bureau member Biman Basu, addressing the rally, expressed confidence that people of the state could usher in a new dawn of change in the state. He said this state government works for the rapists whereas rape victims are not getting justice. The state administration remains callous in spite of death rallies in tea gardens. Farmers are under duress to pay loans taken from money lenders. The prerequisite to end this injustice is to restore democracy in the state.

Polit Bureau member Brinda Karat highlighted the atrocities being committed against women in the state which is ruled by a woman chief minister who herself, instead of condemning such acts, was lending support to the culprits. She said the TMC supremo had spoken of wiping the Red flags off the grounds of Bengal and for which she seemed to have taken a stand to paint blue and white all over the state but the strength with which people have gathered in the Brigade under the Red flag is testimony to the fact that Red flags will fly high in Bengal.

Tripura Chief Minister Manik Sarkar said that the country was passing through a difficult period. People of the country rejected the UPA government and BJP emerged as the alternative. But instead of promised ‘achhe din’, prices of essential items have soared in the past 20 months. Farmers are committing suicide and the public sector is being dismantled. Communal polarisation is intensifying under governmental promotion. Under such circumstances, Left forces are the only alternative. Movements are to be organised by the workers, the peasants, the students. We have to present an alternative which will show new path to the people. This task cannot be accomplished without the participation of Bengal. If the Left Front government is restored evicting the incumbent TMC government then Bengal will march forward once again. TMC cannot be the alternative to the Left Front. Those who are still at a distance from the Left Front must be approached in right earnest. Bengal had played the pivotal part to drive away the British from this country. This is the time when Bengal has to show that character once again. The people of Bengal will take up the historic responsibility once again to restore democracy.

Kerala state secretary Kodiyeri Balakrishnan expressed hope that LDF would win next elections in Kerala and there would be a change in West Bengal. He castigated the UDF government in Kerala as most corrupt and warned BJP not to disturb the communal peace and harmony in Kerala.

Polit Bureau member Md Salim said that a new wave of struggle will start from January. Tribal people and tea workers are dying continuously, and farmers are committing suicide as they are not getting adequate price for their crops. The government had promised to open new factories but in reality existing factories are being shut. TMC and BJP are complementary to each other. Once upon a time Mamata Banerjee refused to talk to BJP. Now, they are turning towards the BJP government so that they can be bailed off in the chit fund scam. Mamata is afraid of people’s strength. So she had met Modi 20 days prior to the Brigade rally. It is the time to get the rust off your sickle once again – to save your crops, to save your honour. Apart from the hooligans and the syndicate people, no one is happy in this state.

Surjyakanta Mishra declared alternative policies of the Left parties and categorically asserted that industry would be there in Singur, the teachers recruitment will be transparent, corruption will end once the TMC is ousted from power.

CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury said that this rally has signaled the march towards a better Bengal; to make a better India. But all of us have to be instrumental to achieve that goal. Except the Left parties, bearing the Red flag, there is no other force which can take the nation forward. Various communal forces wanted to demolish the Left. But there is no power which can do that.

Presiding over the meeting Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee said that the country is going through a tough phase. BJP is spreading poison and fire of hatred. The common people thrive on ‘dal-roti’ but even that is not spared. The state is bankrupt. People are looking for a future. A difficult battle is ahead and the people have to win that crucial battle. The entire Brigade thundered responding to Bhattacharjee’s slogan: “We will win the battle”.