CPI(M) Delhi State Conf Calls for Building Org’n through Struggles
PMS Grewal
THE 14th Delhi state conference of the CPI(M) took place on December 20-21, 2014 in Comrade Mohan Lal Hall at Ambedkar Bhawan, Delhi. The conference began with flag hoisting by Delhi state secretariat member Rampal and laying flowers at the Martyrs Column. A condolence resolution was adopted condoling the deaths of former Polit bureau members, R Umanath, Samar Mukherjee, state secretariat members, Mohan Lal and Vijendra Sharma, along with Hugo Chavez and Nelson Mandela. The conference also condoled those who were martyred in struggles of the people.
The conference was inaugurated by Party general secretary, Prakash Karat. He spoke of how the global financial crisis continues to make its impact felt even after eight years. The revival is incomplete and uneven. Even though US imperialism has weakened in the economic realm in the last 10-20 years, its hegemony at the military-political level remains intact. Contradictions within the imperialist camp, as well as that between the advanced capitalist countries are becoming sharp. It sees India as one of the main partners in its geo-strategic designs in Asia, which has further been facilitated by the tilt of our ruling classes towards the international finance capital. In our country, the political situation has changed completely in the period since the last conference, with an overall rightward shift in the political trajectory. The struggle against the aggressive neo-liberal policies and the communalism has to go hand-in-hand. Left is fighting back to overcome electoral setbacks and develop struggles against neo-liberal policies and communalism.
A presidium consisting of Brahmjeet Singh, Rampal and Sehba Farooqui presided over the conference. State secretary, PMS Grewal presented the report on behalf of the Delhi state committee. He outlined how the communal game plans of RSS-BJP have intensified in the period since the Lok Sabha elections, with attempts of communal polarisation in various parts of the state. Attacks on the livelihoods and rights of the working classes, various sections of urban poor, dalits, minorities and women continue unabated under the neo-liberal regime. Emergence of the AAP has been a major political development in the state. The experience of the 49 days of the AAP government and its policies has shown that it too is a votary of the neo-liberal policies. He called upon the delegates to discuss ways to intensify sustained struggles on local issues of the people, draw correct experiences from such struggles and take tasks which can help in the expansion of the Party and the mass organisations.
A total of 175 delegates participated in the conference. 49 delegates participated in a political and objective debate spread over two days and enriched the report.
Resolutions were adopted on the struggle against communalism, rights of the working class, against neo-liberal assaults, on crimes against women and struggles for civic amenities. The report was adopted by the conference.
The conference elected a 30 member state committee with K M Tiwari as its secretary. A nine member secretariat consisting of KM Tiwari, PMS Grewal, ML Malkotia, Anurag Saxena, Asha Sharma, Brijesh Kumar Singh, Nathu Prasad, PI Raveendranathan and Sehba Farooqui was also elected.
Jogendra Sharma, central secretariat member gave the closing address and stressed the need for sustained struggles. Organisation can be built only through struggles and struggles can be built only through organisation. It is necessary to prepare the entire ranks of the Party and mass organisations for effective struggle against the disastrous impact of neo-liberal policies and communalism. He expressed confidence that through planned movements, the Party will be able to emerge as a credible political force in the Delhi-NCR region.