Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

TAMIL NADU: Comrade R Muthu Sundaram

THE death of Com R Muthu Sundaram, veteran leader of the state government employees’  movement on August 29 was condoled by lakhs of government employees, teachers and other working class sections not only in Tamil Nadu, but also across India.Com Muthu Sundaram worked steadfastly for the welfare of the government  employees  and working class of Tamil Nadu and later extended it to all over India.He was one of the state secretaries of the Tamil Nadu Government Employees Association at a young age of 32.


THE week began with an uproar in the Lok Sabha over the recent incidents of lynching. Along with other opposition members, CPI(M) MPs gave adjournment motion notice, but it was disallowed by the Speaker. Speaker suspended six Congress MPs for five days after they stormed into the well of the House, tore papers and hurled them towards the chair. The House was disrupted on the second day on the same issue.

Rally in Delhi for Passage of Women’s Reservation Bill

ON July 27, 2017, over eight hundred women enthusiastically marched from Mandi House to Parliament Street in New Delhi, demanding the passage of the long pending Women's Reservation Bill (WRB) in the monsoon session of parliament​. Several women’s organisations participated in this protest.Women came not only from Delhi but also from the rural areas of Haryana, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. Women marched shouting slogans, holding colourful banners, buntings and placards.

Rally in Delhi for Passage of Women’s Reservation Bill

ON July 27, 2017, over eight hundred women enthusiastically marched from Mandi House to Parliament Street in New Delhi, demanding the passage of the long pending Women's Reservation Bill (WRB) in the monsoon session of parliament​. Several women’s organisations participated in this protest.Women came not only from Delhi but also from the rural areas of Haryana, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. Women marched shouting slogans, holding colourful banners, buntings and placards.

Niti Aayog’s Plan to Privatise District Hospitals

THE current BJP led government spares no effort to seek new avenues that have the potential to contribute to the profits of private enterprises. To promote such efforts a recurring policy thrust has been on privatisation of public services.  Virtually all public services – energy and water supply, transport, roads and infrastructure, education, and healthcare – are being privatised. While the government argues that private providers will bring in new investments and provide services more efficiently, there is no evidence that this ever happens.

Government-Court Nexus will Embolden Patriarchs

ON July 27, 2017 the Supreme Court of India passed orders that dilute the spirit and the content of the anti-dowry laws. The provision of 498A (protecting women from cruelty by husbands and relatives) was enacted in 1983 after a long struggle by the democratic women’s movement. This victory ensured that the affected women could approach the police and courts without any fear and harassment from their in-laws family and also use the law to protect themselves.

Sardar Sarovar Dam: First Complete Rehabilitation

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statements on August 1 DRAWING a wrong interpretation from the Supreme Court decision, the gates of Sardar Sarovar Dam have been closed. The Supreme Court decision had clearly stated that only after proper rehabilitation of the dam-affected was done and after the affected had been given compensation, could they be removed after July 31.Arrangements for more than 40,000 families of the affected have not been completed. Peasants have not got any compensation.


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