Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Struggles of Workers & Farmers Reach New Heights in 2017

AN unprecedented wave of workers’ and farmers’ struggles spread across the whole country through the year that is coming to an end. It challenged the Modi government and its pro-rich, anti-working people, anti-farmer policies, forcing the government to reverse course in some cases. These battles spanned issues related to falling living standards, growing inequality and loot by the ruling classes, as also the communal politics of the Sangh Parivar that is trying to divide people on religious identity lines.

Resolve for 2018

LOOKING back at the year 2017 that has just ended, there is an important aspect of the national situation that must be noted. The year unfolded with the forces of reaction on the ascendant. But by the last quarter of the year, the forces of resistance against the right wing offensive had begun to assert themselves and make their presence felt.The people have borne the brunt of the right-wing offensive in the year 2017. Under the Modi regime, the Hindutva forces became more emboldened.

MADHYA PRADESH: CPI(M) Holds 15th State Conference

MADHYA Pradesh today is another laboratory for Hindutva vaadi policies.  Manuvaadi thinking, attacks on the rights and equal status of dalits, adivasis, women and are the order of the day.  Simultaneously, the BJP government of Shivraj Patil is ruthlessly implementing neo-liberal policies by handing over the natural resources of the state to corporate and land mafia.  Corruption has reached new heights while employment, industry and the farm sector are all devastated.  Welfare schemes have either been scrapped or are ridden with corruption.  The 15th state conference of the CPI(M) resolved

The Strange 2G Judgement: CAG and the Supreme Court at Fault, Not A Raja

THE Judgement by Justice OP Saini in the 2G case, which acquits all the accused, has justifiably created a fresh controversy in the country. We are told by the Congress and its sympathisers that the entire 2G case was a figment of the CAG’s imagination and the media, that the CAG and the Supreme Court were completely at fault, and A Raja, the then minister of Communications and IT, and the UPA were not at all to blame.We could have accepted the argument that the prosecution could not show criminality. But OP Saini’s Judgement goes beyond that.

On 2G Judgement

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on December 21, 2017.The judgement of the CBI special court on the 2G spectrum case raises more questions than answers. It was well-established that the allocation of 2G spectrum had caused a big loss calculated to be Rs.

TAMIL NADU: IT Employees Union Fights Illegal Retrenchment

“The bouncers pushed me back into my chair and held me by my shoulders till I signed the document. It was an awful experience and I can't begin to tell you how demeaning it was. It was not like I was on the bench. I was performing and they treated me in this terrible manner”, states an employee of VDSI who signed on the dotted line.VDSI (Verizon Data Services India) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the US-based Verizon Communications Inc having its operations in India for so many years, employing thousands of young engineers.

When Will TV Anchors Learn that Science is not the Science Channel?

THERE is something wrong with leaders of a political party, when they seek legitimacy for their beliefs from the promo of an American TV show.  A set of senior BJP ministers – Sushma Swaraj, Ravi Shankar Prasad and Piyush Goyal – rushed to tell the people that the myth of Lord Rama building a bridge to Lanka, has now been “vindicated” by science; or the TV channel called Science.The BJP’s troll brigade and various Fake News websites went to town celebrating the “proof” of Lord Rama’s existence, and his miracle of constructing the Ram Setu.

P Ramamurti Trade Union Education and Research Centre Opens

THE Centre of Indian Trade Unions has inaugurated its P Ramamurti Trade Union Education and Research Centre on December 15, 2017, in the presence of hundreds of its members, supporters, well wishers and leaders of central trade unions. The trade union education centre envisaged to be developed as a permanent school for CITU cadres was named after the founder general secretary of CITU and a legendary leader of the working class movement of the country, P Ramamurti. The day was the 30th death anniversary of P Ramamurti.

BHOPAL JAN UTSAV: A Festival of Hope and Solidarity Celebrating Reason and Diversity

THE city of Bhopal witnessed a unique Festival – a festival of diversity, reason and resistance – from November 26-28. Named as Bhopal Utsav, it was organised by various progressive organisations, collectives and movements. The festival brought together activists from diverse movements, cultural activists, science activists and thousands of people from all walks of life. The festival was conceived as a response to the systematic assault on people’s lives mounted by religious sectarian forces and neoliberal economic policies.


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