Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Journos Call for Vigilance Day Next Week

SEEING the government’s withdrawal of the I&B ministry’s punish journalist directive as a temporary reprieve  and a damage control exercise, the National Alliance of Journalists and  Delhi Union of Journalists, in a statement issued on April 4, have called for a vigilance day next week . This is taking into account the fact that the Press Council is toothless and a democratic all-encompassing Media Council of India is the need of the hour. The statement followed the government withdrawal announcement on April 3.

CITU General Council: Surge in Toiling People’s Struggles

THE meeting of CITU general council, held in Kozhikode from March 23-26, analysed the impact of the policies of the BJP led government on the conditions of the workers in the country and chalked out concrete tasks based on its analysis.The presidential address delivered by Hemalata, president of CITU and the general secretary’s report placed by Tapan Sen, general secretary of CITU put the organisational and movemental tasks to be taken up by the general council, in the context of international and national situation.The presidential address linked the conditions of the workers in our countr

CITU Congratulates Working Class of Kerala

THE Centre of Indian Trade Unions, in a statement issued on April 2, has congratulated the working class of Kerala for their united statewide strike action against the notorious ‘Fixed Term Employment’ notification by the Modi led BJP government at the centre, which is designed to impose conditions of slavery on the working people, in its most obedient service to corporate capitalist class, both domestic and foreign.As many as sixteen trade union organisations in Kerala – practically all except the BMS have jointly decided to organise the strike action on April 2, and the strike call has re

Central Committee Communique

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) met in New Delhi from March 28-30, 2018. It has issued the following statement on March 30.TRIPURA VIOLENCEThe post-poll violence in Tripura by the RSS/BJP continues unabated against the CPI(M) and the Left Front. Nearly a thousand Left cadres have been physically targeted, 1,699 houses have been ransacked and looted, over 450 shops burnt, over 800 Party offices have been attacked, looted and some burnt down and 134 offices of Left mass organisations have been captured and occupied by the BJP.

Panchayat Elections in West Bengal: Slaughter of Democracy by Mamata Regime

THE ruling TMC in West Bengal has resorted to full-fledged assault on democracy and the rule of law as panchayat elections have started to become a farce. From the declaration of schedule to murderous attacks on opposition candidates in the nomination process, this year’s panchayat elections have brought out the authoritarian character of the TMC most crudely.The chief minister has herself declared repeatedly that she wanted ‘opposition-free panchayats’. Her party leaders, including MPs called upon party activists to ensure that no opposition member gets elected.

AIDWA Calls for Mass Movement For Food security

THE AIDWA central executive committee (CEC) meeting held on March 31- April 2, in New Delhi took several important decisions to mobilise women in large numbers against the severe attacks on the livelihood of women and against increasing violence and communal mobocracy. 64 out of 99 CEC members and 6 out of 12 special invitees from 20 states attended this meeting. The central secretariat meeting was held prior to the CEC.

Struggles Shall Build Atmosphere for Defeat of Anti-People BJP Regime

MASSIVE struggles by the All India Kisan Sabha in Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Himachal Pradesh and elsewhere were preceded by a build up of independent and united struggles in the past four years. The recent successes of Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Karnataka peasantry have generated an electrifying impact on the peasantry and all democratic sections with the Maharashtra Kisan Long March undoubtedly catching the imagination of the peasantry and people.

Resisting Communal Conflict in West Bengal

CAUGHT into the vortex of competitive communalism, West Bengal witnessed bloody clashes, attacks and violence during Ram Navami celebrations. Though celebrated in parts of Bengal, this religious programme was not so widespread traditionally in the state. Last year, the entire environment changed rapidly as RSS-BJP-VHP and their related organisations organised Ram Navami processions with clear political overtones. Arms were profusely exhibited in those processions and communal slogans were raised. This year, the TMC jumped into the bandwagon.

CITU GENERAL COUNCIL: Massive Mazdoor Kisan Sangharsh Rally in Delhi on September 5

THE general council of CITU which met in Kozhikode from March 23-26, gave the clarion call to the working class of the country to participate in huge numbers in the rally in the national capital Delhi on September 5, to highlight its demands. The general council expressed its great happiness that the two major countrywide organisations of the peasants and agricultural workers, the All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) and the All India Agricultural Workers’ Union (AIAWU) agreed to join the rally.


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