WHILE Prime Minister Narendra Modi was rolling out more than even his usual quota of lies, deceits and jumlas in his speech at the Red Fort, India's 75th Independence Day on August 15, 2021 was marked by lakhs of farmers and workers organising huge Tiranga Yatras on ‘Kisan Mazdoor Azaadi Sangram Diwas’ all over India, including at the protest sites at Delhi's borders.Reports are pouring in from different locations about the various ways in which the day was marked with Tiranga Yatras by farmers and workers. Women farmers took the lead in different places in Haryana, Punjab and elsewhere.
MONSOON session of the Parliament that concluded on August 12, 2021, revealed the undemocratic and anti-constitutional face of the BJP government. It revealed the levels of intolerance this government has towards the parliamentary proceedings and debates, which are the basic building blocks of Indian democracy. At least 20 bills were passed without discussion and voting. New anti-people legislations were bulldozed on a daily basis and were passed without discussion by suppressing the voice of dissent.
THE CPI(M) state committee has strongly condemned the decision of the state government of online transfer policy by creating a common cadre of teachers and non-teaching staff of all universities, including the health university of the state.The state committee of the Party which met at Rohtak, which was also attended by Nilotpal Basu, Polit Bureau Member, issued a statement in this regard on August 17.
THE Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities has vide a Gazette Notification issued on August 18, 2021 exempted certain government establishments from the purview of Section 34 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016.
THE nation has been debating our collective achievements, weaknesses and failures over the past 74 years since Independence in relation to the vision of the republic’s founders and of the independence movement. This article discusses two key founding ideas which do not always get the attention they deserve or do so largely in an obligatory fashion.
AMERICA’S ignominious exit from Afghanistan, the collapse of the Afghan National Army, the fleeing of President Ashraf Ghani and the rapid takeover by the Taliban, have all been stunning developments. Twenty years after the United States and its NATO allies invaded Afghanistan and toppled the Taliban regime, the Taliban are back in power in Kabul. The US spent over $ 2 trillion in these two decades and at the height of the occupation there were 130,000 NATO troops stationed in Afghanistan.
SIMPLE analogies can be deceptive, even dangerous. An example is the analogy often drawn between the household and the State. Just as a household cannot “live beyond its means” for ever, and sooner or later its creditors not only stop giving loans but take away the assets of the household for defaulting on loan repayment, likewise, the State cannot “live beyond its means” for ever and go on borrowing ad infinitum; sooner or later its creditors stop giving loans and even attach its assets.This is a very common argument.
CPI(M) WILL highlight the role of Communists in India's freedom struggle and the inaction of RSS, Party general secretary, Sitaram Yechury said on Monday, August 9, 2021, and also launched an attack on the BJP government on issues like Pegasus controversy, farm laws, and Covid mismanagement.He said, “today is the 79th anniversary of the Quit India Movement, a call which was given by Mahatma Gandhi against the British.
IN recent days, there has been an increase in attacks on CPI(M) Party offices and cadres in Tripura. We are giving instances of such attacks:On August 6, Ranjit Ghosh, a senior CPI(M) leader and former secretary of Kamalpur sub-divisional committee was attacked by BJP miscreants. While comrades were trying to rescue him from the clutches of the attackers, 10 other comrades also got severely wounded. Ranjit Ghosh was hit on the head. He is now under treatment in Tripura Medical College Hospital, Agartala. He had 14 stitches on his head and one of his spinal bones got fractured.
AMID suffocating atmosphere prevailing in the state, where democratic movements are meted with repression, the people of Tripura have once again shaken the state with the slogan “BJP Hatao, DeshBachao” on August 9, 2021. In response to the call of the joint forum of central trade unions and SamjuktaKishanMorcha, the programme was launched in the state jointly by several mass and class organisations namely AIKS, CITU, Agri workers union, Ganamukti Parishad, women’s, youth and students’ organisations.