Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

CPI(M) to Review Poll Results

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) met in New Delhi on May 18, 2014, and subsequently issued the following statement.
THE Polit Bureau discussed the results of the Lok Sabha elections and the post-election situation. It conducted a preliminary review of the elections and the performance of the party. It examined the various factors which led to the poor results for the party and the Left.

CITU Condoles Com Umanath’s Demise

The secretariat of the Centre of Indian Trade Unions issued the following statement on May 21, 2014, mourning the demise of Comrade R Umananth.
THE CITU deeply mourns the demise of Comrade R Umanath, a veteran freedom fighter, stalwart of the working class movement and of communist movement of the country who passed away on May 21, 2014 at around 7.15 a m at Tiruchirapally after prolonged illness at the age of 93.

Left Must Prepare People for Struggles

WITH the ascent to power by RSS-backed Narendra Modi, the people of the country will be subjected to twin-pronged attack – intensified pursuit of neo-liberal reforms and heightened communalisation of society resulting in division of people. The task before the Left today is to rally the people against neo-liberal policies and prepare the people for struggles while safeguarding their unity.

Goebbels Proved Right, Harshads Endorse Modi

THE happiest person after the 16th Lok Sabha election results in India would be Joseph Goebbels, the propaganda minister in Adolf Hitler’s cabinet. Decades after his death, Goebbels must now be turning in his grave and screaming “I was right”.
Goebbels was indeed right, it seems, as it was he who had theorised the concept “tell lies a hundred times and it would be believed as true”.

Turkey: Erdogan still a Political Force

THE results of the local government elections held in Turkey on March 30 showed that the popular support for the ruling party and its prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, despite all the scandals engulfing the government, has ebbed only marginally. In the hard fought elections, the ruling Justice and Welfare Party (AKP) won around 45 percent of the vote and retained the two major cities of Istanbul and Ankara. In Istanbul, the main opposition party, the Republican People’s Party (CHP), got 40 percent of the vote while the AKP got around 50 percent of the vote.


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