Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter


RESISTANCE against fascism has always come from two quarters, the Left, and the liberal bourgeoisie. The Second World War was fought between the fascist powers on one side and an alliance of the Soviet Union with liberal bourgeois States on the other. Even in anti-fascist resistance movements in Europe, there was, apart from the Communist contingent, a liberal bourgeois one as well, whose leading personality in France for instance was Charles De Gaulle.

BEFI Supports Left Parties

BANK Employees Federation of India (BEFI) in its central committee meeting held at Bengaluru on March 8 had a thorough discussion on the present political scenario of the country in the wake of the 16th Lok Sabha elections. The general secretary while initiating the discussions briefed about the vulnerability of the banking industry and the dangers faced by the public sector banks due to the faulty policy of the successive governments at the centre be it the Congress government or Congress led UPA government or BJP led NDA government.

Parched Villages and Corporate Water Politics in Gujarat

IN September 2013, the member secretary of the Gujarat Water Supply and Sewage Board declared Gujarat a water surplus state. Speaking at a national conference, he stated that all villages should get 50 litres per capita per day (LPCD) of water, while each city should get 140 LPCD as per government norms, but in Gujarat we are now providing 100 LPCD of water to every village and 150 LPCD to every town as per government norms.


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