Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

The Heroic Tebhaga Struggle

DURING the post-war period, late in 1946, the Bengal Provincial Kisan Sabha decided that a movement should be launched on the basis of the demand for the Tebhaga, that is to say, two-thirds share for the bargadar. Thus, while the discussions with the Cabinet Mission and other political developments were taking place, the tide of the Tebhaga movement in Bengal was rising high.The peasants in Bengal had been raising the slogan of reducing the share of the landowners.

Twin Plagues Afflict Kashmir

NOT much is heard about what is happening in Jammu and Kashmir in these times of the pandemic. But even when the people there are seriously concerned about the spread of the coronavirus, the Hindutva rulers are busy designing what is now called the “union territory” of J&K. For the people of the Kashmir valley, there is no let up in the repression and suppression of rights they have been experiencing since August, 2019.The lockdown of J&K preceded the lockdown of India by a full eight months. That lockdown was not caused by any epidemic or health emergency.

‘Unethical to Offload Surplus Food Stock at High Prices during Crisis’

CPI(M) Polit Bureau member Brinda Karat, urged union minister Ram Vilas Paswan to release the 54.3 million tonnes of food grain stock lying with the Food Corporation of India free to the poor through the Public Distribution System (PDS). In a letter written to the food and public distribution minister on April 19, she condemned the government’s move to sell the food grain stock to NGOs for relief work, at high prices during this crisis period.“The government has, as on April 7, 54.2 million tonnes of foodgrains in storage which is far above the required buffer stock.

West Bengal: ‘Left Forces’ in the Forefront of Relief Work

IN Kotarang, Hind Motors area in Hooghly, peoples’ kitchens are a saviour for hundreds of families in this difficult period of lock down. One such kitchen, run by DYFI activists serve lunch to around 500 people. Initially DYFI activists were distributing rice, pulses, salt to houses. They felt that some families would literally face starvation after some days. Most of them are house maids, cobblers and van drivers. The strategy was changed and a list of 122 families was prepared and coupons were distributed. DYFI activists distributed coupons to these families in the evening.

Remembering Lenin

APRIL 22, 2020, marks the 150th birth anniversary of the greatest revolutionary figure of the twentieth century, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. After Marx and Engels, Lenin made the biggest contribution to the theory and practice of Marxism. Lenin’s groundbreaking theoretical advances, such as his analysis of imperialism, set the stage for the world’s first socialist revolution in Russia in October 1917.Lenin created a revolutionary strategy that encompassed the industrial proletariat and the peoples of the colonies and oppressed countries.

Bihar: Comrade J C Basu Martyred

KHAGARIA is one of the districts of Bihar, which is known for intense land struggles. Dozens of leading comrades such as Comrade Anandi Singh, Comrade Uttam Singh, Comrade Jay Jay Ram Singh, Comrade Murli Manohar Mandal have been martyred during the ongoing class battle in the district. Comrade Jagdish Chandra Basu, district secretariat member of the CPI(M) and  district secretary of Kisan Sabha is the latest victim of the class struggle.

TELANGANA: CPI(M) Stands by Poor in Dire Need

AS the government enforced lockdown to combat the spread of the novel coronavirus, migrant workers, daily wage labourers and unorganised workers in Telangana are facing the brunt – without any work, money and food. As the suffering intensifies with the lockdown being extended, the Party and mass organisations have been in the forefront to help the poor and the needy.In all districts, rice, pulses, eggs, vegetables, daily essentials, masks, soaps, medicines and sanitisers were supplied costing lakhs of rupees.


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