Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

On Brexit, What Does It Imply?

THE people of the United Kingdom have voted in a historic referendum in favour of the country quitting the European Union (EU). Most of the mainstream media have been telling us that the campaign for Britain to leave the EU was entirely that of a far right lunatic fringe. This is far from the truth. While there were undoubtedly reactionary far right forces in the campaign such as the UK Independence Party (UKIP) which fomented xenophobia and racism, it should be obvious that most of the 17 million people who voted in favour of ‘Leave’ were not racists.

Thinking Together

a) Though we have more than 10.58 lakh Party Members (after the 20th Congress) throughout the country we failed to expand our strength except in three states ie, West Bengal, Kerala and Tripura since the formation of the CPI(M) in 1964. What are the drawbacks/lapses of the Party?

b) In the recent state assembly election in five states, except Kerala, the poor electoral performance in other states are very much unsatisfactory which needs proper review and thorough examination before Lok Sabha election in 2019. What is your view on the matter?
Gopal Krishna Seal, Kolkata

Brexit: Freed from EU Shackles

FROM the barrage mounted by the corporate media globally, it would appear that the decision of the people of Britain to quit the European Union is an unmitigated disaster for Britain, for Europe and for the world. There are mournful requiems for the end of globalisation and a “liberal-capitalist” order. The crash in the world’s stock exchanges and financial markets indicate who is really hurt by “Brexit” – the masters of big finance and the banks. But there is an alternative view about the referendum held in Britain on whether it should remain in, or, leave the European Union.

NSG Fiasco

THE Modi government has suffered a humiliating setback in its frantic efforts to acquire membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). The diplomatic effort to enlist support for the NSG membership was led by Prime Minister Modi himself. In the run-up to the Seoul meeting of the NSG, Modi visited Switzerland and Mexico to muster support from these countries. The 48-member NSG works on the basis of consensus. In the Seoul meeting, ten countries did not agree to take up India’s membership in the NSG at this stage.

Liberalisation of Land Leasing: What It Means for Odisha?

THE Modi government’s NITI Aayog seeks the extension of liberalisation to the sector of land leasing. It has brought out a document, titled “Report of the Expert Committee on Land Leasing”, on March 31, 2016. A “Model Agricultural Land Leasing Act, 2016” is enclosed with this document for consideration by the state governments for initiation of legislation in their respective assemblies as it happens to be a subject under the state list of the Constitution.

RSS-BJP Mounts Attack on Left in Kerala

AFTER the LDF’s victory in the assembly election in Kerala, the RSS-BJP combine mounted attack on CPI(M) cadres and its offices throughout the state. BJP’s expectation was high, but it won a single seat in the state and increased its vote share. BJP president Amit Shah’s boast of the party’s tally reaching double-digit figure fell in the ground. Naturally, their ire has been directed against the Left Democratic Front, particularly the CPI(M).After the election, RSS-backed goons have killed two CPI(M) cadres.

Himachal Pradesh: Workers Protest against Contractors-Govt Nexus

CITU-affiliated workers at the under-construction 450-MW Shong Thong-Karchham hydroelectric project on Sutlej river have been on strike for the last three months over several demands, including payment of wages. Himachal Pradesh Power Corporation Ltd. (HPPCL) is constructing this power project through Patel Engineering Ltd., which has further sublet works to more than 20 local contractors.

EMS Smrithi 2016 Attempts a Rainbow Coalition of the Political Left, Intellectuals & Social Movements for a Progressive ‘Idea of India’

MORE than 1000 delegates converged in Thrissur on June 13-14, for the EMS Smrithi 2016, on the ‘Idea of India – A New Agenda for Social, Economic and Environmental Justice’. The national discourse was organised in the context of the current political and economic challenges under the right wing NDA government with the intent to create a rainbow platform to not just resist the communal and pro-corporate policies but also to articulate an alternate economic paradigm.


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