Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Ensure Implementation of Equal Pay for Equal Work

THE Centre of India Trade Unions (CITU), in a statement issued on October 27, has welcomed the judgment of the Supreme Court of India reiterating the right of ‘equal pay for equal work’. The court delivered a judgement on this, on October 26.This issue of denial of same wage for same and similar jobs was being raised for long by the trade unions. Despite having a law of Equal Remuneration Act – to ensure that there is no disparity in wages between men and women while doing the same job – disparities still persist in various sectors.

Bye Bye NAM, Hello America

IT has been evident for some time that India has been slowly but surely veering away from the principles of non-alignment that defined its foreign policy for more than four decades after independence. The Indian prime minister, Narendra Modi's decision to skip the important NAM summit in Venezuela is only a stark illustration of this reality. Previous UPA and NDA governments had started the process of downgrading the movement founded by the leaders of anti-colonial struggle like Jawaharlal Nehru, Achmed Sukarno, Khwame Nkrumah and Gamel Abdel Nasser.

Agrarian Struggle in New Situation

THE All India Kisan Sabha has taken up an important programme at the all India level. Four Kisan Sangharsh Jathas will be held from Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Jammu & Kashmir and West Bengal from November 2-23. They will cover thousands of kilometres moving through villages and cities addressing meetings, interacting with the peasantry and rural poor, highlighting the problems and demands of the kisans.

Thinking Together

Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared support for the struggle of the Balochi people during his Independence Day speech.  Since then, the Modi government has been actively supporting the cause of the Balochistan people in Pakistan.  What is the CPI(M)’s understanding on the issue?Piyush Kumar, DelhiBALOCHISTAN is a resource-rich province of Pakistan which borders Afghanistan and Iran.  There has been, over the decades, spurts of insurgency for seeking a separate status for Balochistan with some forces demanding independence. At different points of time, the armed insurgenc

‘Sree Narayana Guru’s Philosophy Has a Strong Relevance Today’

Below we publish excerpts of the Sree Narayana Guru Memorial Lecture delivered by Sitaram Yechury, CPI(M) general secretary on October 21. He was invited by the Indian Social Club Muscat, Kerala Wing to deliver this year’s lecture.THE Indian Social Club Muscat, Kerala Wing has, during the last fifteen years, since its founding in 2001, emerged as a unique organization that works within the socio-cultural framework of the Sultanate of Oman.

Jobless in Modi Raj

INDIA is facing a deepening crisis on the employment front.  According to a new Employment-Unemployment (EU) Survey conducted by the Labour Bureau, unemployment in India is running at a five year high of 5 percent of the workforce who are fifteen years and above.  Over a third of the people at work are employed for less than a year.

Uniformity is not Equality

THE CPI(M) extends its full support to the movement of Muslim women for abolition of what women have described as the un-Islamic practice of instant and arbitrary triple talaq.  The demand has received substantial support from both men and women within the community. In the last decade, several organisations representing Muslim women have run campaigns including signature campaigns where lakhs have signed up against this grossly unfair practice.

DELHI: AIDWA Organises Workshop for Young Women

IN the morning on October 16, a Sunday, young women from different parts of Delhi arrived at the premises of the state office of Janwadi Mahila Samiti to take part in a workshop organised by its state committee. JMS in its state conference earlier this year had vowed to take up the task of building organisation amongst young women on an urgent basis. It was noted that to overcome the lack of our presence amongst young women in any significant way, the state committee will undertake systematic steps to approach young women and organise them around their demands.


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