Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Towards a Pro-Peasant Alternative

THE agrarian crisis in India is a reflection of the economic policies pursued by the Indian State and can be resolved only by reversing them altogether. The crisis has manifested in the forms of increasing landlessness, widespread indebtedness, massive peasant suicides and alarming distress migration from rural to urban regions. Between 1991 and 2011, around 1.5 crore farmers -- 2,035 per day -- have been forced to give up cultivation and look for other occupations in order to overcome their crisis of subsistence.

Exhibition on RSS Violence in Kerala

A TWO-DAY exhibition titled ‘Mounting Terror: The Real Face of the RSS’ giving glimpses into the history of the violent attacks by the RSS on the CPI(M) cadre in Kerala, was held in New Delhi on November 16-17. The exhibition organised by the Kerala state committee of the Party seeks to call the bluff of the RSS/BJP which, using the Goebbelsian tactics of repeating a lie a hundred times, is fallaciously portraying itself as the victim.

Myth of ‘CPI(M) Terror’ Busted

A NATIONWIDE campaign on so-called “Marxist Terror” in Kerala, unleashed by BJP under the guidance of RSS, has been going on uninterrupted. In almost every press conference, BJP’s national leaders, including Amit Shah and Rajnath Singh, are repeating the same rhetoric of CPI (M)’s terror which has allegedly intensified under the new LDF regime. A national meeting held in Kozhikode also called for protest action against the “violence”. This vicious campaign was mainly rotating in Kannur district, a traditional stronghold of the left movement in Kerala.

Innovative Steps at Party Building to Achieve the Chinese Dream -II

ENSURING HARMONY BETWEEN PARTY AND PEOPLEDuring the revolutionary period, the CPC had close links with the masses since it was involved in a life-and-death struggle. But now it is the ruling Party, so there is the danger that it may consider itself above society. Hence the CPC has consciously decided on a mass line to strengthen its links and ensure harmony between the Party and the people.Party leaders, beginning with Polit Bureau members, have taken the lead. The General Secretary has issued an eight point guideline for the 25 PB members.

Conference of Women Communist Leaders held in Athens

AFTER the conclusion of the Conference of Women Communist Leaders organised by the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) in Athens on November 10-11, along with comrades from Russia and Kazakhistan, I was being driven to the airport by a young member of the KKE, Lambrini.  On the way, she told me about her family, her political commitment and about the problems that young people in Greece face today.  She is 24 years old and has a brother and sister close to her in age.  Her father and mother are both dedicated Communist militants and she and her siblings also belong to the Party.  Her father was

End this Unrelenting Attack on People

THE withdrawal of 500 and 1000 rupee notes is unfolding as a war on the common people instead of a war on black money.The media has been focusing on the long queues of people outside banks, ATMs and post offices waiting to exchange the withdrawn notes for fresh notes upto a paltry amount of Rs 4,000 (now Rs 4,500).  But this is only one feature of the problems faced by the people. What is worse is the monetary shock leading to the loss of livelihoods and incomes for crores of workers, farmers, fishermen, small traders, shopkeepers and all those who are dependent on cash transactions.The pic

Towards the CITU 15th All India Conference: Unify the Class: Intensify the Struggle

THOUSANDS of Red flags of CITU were hoisted at union offices, work places and residential area on November 7, the day that marks the beginning of the centenary of the Great October Revolution.  CITU secretariat had called upon all the affiliated unions, to observe this day as the Flag Day of the 15th All India Conference of CITU.

Subverting MNREGA, the BJP Way

THE BJP government at the Centre is a master of doublespeak. It is now invoking the same skill while formulating its government policies. The BJP’s ability to deploy the social media to achieve desired goals is very visible in mushrooming of unidentified and unauthenticated platforms which are working as mouthpieces for the BJP as well as policy think tanks. Not just to meet its political goals but also to achieve administrative goals, it is using social media platforms to disseminate messages it desires to convey in an impromptu manner.

Shimon Peres: Zionist Hawk

ISRAEL and the West mourned the death of Shimon Peres on October 27 painting him as a visionary statesman who had vainly fought for a two state solution to resolve the impasse between Israel and the Arab world. President Barack Obama accompanied by the former president, Bill Clinton, were among the prominent foreign personalities present at the funeral of the former Israeli president. It was the largest attended State funeral in Israel after that of his fellow Nobel laureate, Yizthak Rabin in 1995. More than 70 countries were represented at the funeral.


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